From The Mana World
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Questo articolo contiene informazioni per i giocatori e per le persone interessate a giocare a The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

Per trovare Rauk, andate verso ovest Hurnscald fino a passare sotto il primo ponte. Dirigiti a sud, e passa sotto il ponte successivo. Poi Gira a destra e poi in alto. Lì troverete Rauk. Rauk può fare pozioni, coloranti e trasmuta Iron Ore di Iron Powder e Piles of Ash in Sulphur Powder.

Procedura Pozioni

Quest Overview
Starting Location 011-1 West of Hurnscald
Level 1 (30 for Dark Green Dye)
Prerequisites Talk to Selim The Dyer
Redoable Yes, forever


  • Se vuoi un maggiore guadagno, vendi i Small Mushrooms e i Pink Petals piuttosto che le pozioni pronte, così farai 500 Gp per gli ingredienti, piuttosto che 250 GP con le pozioni pronte.
  • Queste pozioni possono essere trovate come Drop.
  • The Mana Potion è molto costosa qui, meglio farla da Wyara.

Concentration Potions è droppata da:

Iron Potions è droppata da:

Procedura Coloranti


  • If Rauk doesn't offer the option of making a dye, you need to go back to Selim The Dyer, and ask him to dye you an item. You will need to have an undyed item with you. When he offers to dye it, choose a color that you don't have. Selim will tell you that you need to bring him some dye first. Ask him where you get dye from, and he will tell you to find an alchemist. Now go back to Rauk.
  • Se Rauk non offre la possibilità di fare un colorante, è necessario ritornare da Selim Il Dyer, e chiedergli di tingere un vostro oggetto. È necessario disporre di un oggetto non tinto con voi. Quando si offre di tingerlo, scegliere un colore che non si ha. Selim vi dirà che avete bisogno di portargli qualche tintura prima. Chiedetegli dove si può ottenre un colorante, e lui vi dirà di trovare un alchimista. Ora tornate da Rauk.
  • Prendete di mira il nemico più vicino mentre si cammina in giro per trovare facilmente le piante.
  • Per raccogliere queste piante è sufficiente attaccarle, come qualsiasi altro mostro.
  • Le Pearl possono essere trovate facilmente nella Spiaggia a ovest di Tulimshar e a nord di Hurnscald dai Sea Slime.
  • If you do Magic and have level 2 in the General Magic Skill and the Nature Magic Skill try using the shearing spell #chipchip on herb plants, they often drop an additional herb.

Dark Green Dye

Note: You need to be at least level 30 to make this dye.

To receive a bonus, request the Dark Green Dye. Take with you about 20 Maggot Slimes, and then talk to Rauk to start the minigame.

The minigame is that you need to find a certain number between 1 and 999. Don't worry, he will tell you if the number is higher or lower than the one you just chose. You first choose the tenths, then the hundreds and lastly the thousands. Figure out a way to lose as few Maggot Slimes as you can. The reward when you have worked it out is 20,000 EXP, whether or not you buy the dye. These EXP are rewarded only once.


  • Start by choosing 5, 0 and then 0, that makes 500. If he tells you to put less, try 250 or if it is the other way around, try 750. Always divide the number by 2: 500, 250, 125, etc... You'll get to the right number really quickly using that method.

Powder Making


  • You better ask another mage to make those powders for you as experienced mages can convert 1 Iron Ore up to 7 Iron Powders and 1 Pile of Ash up to 7 Sulphur Powders. They might ask you for a little gift to do so but it should be less expensive than asking Rauk though.
  • These powders can also be found as drops.

Iron Powders are dropped by:

Sulphur Powders are dropped by:

Sources of ingredients

Mauve Herbs are dropped by:

Cobalt Herbs are dropped by:

Gamboge Herbs are dropped by:

Alizarin Herbs are dropped by:

Iron Ores are dropped by:

Maggot Slimes are dropped by:

Pearls are dropped by:

Piles of Ash are dropped by:

Pink Petals are dropped by:

Small Mushrooms are dropped by: