From The Mana World
Revision as of 13:09, 27 April 2015 by Alexanderlime (talk | contribs) (I A M B A C K)

Lightning sign.pngThis article is currently a garbage.Lightning sign.png
After reading this page, you'll absolutely understand this player is crazy.

This article contains information for nuts or people interested in collecting bat wings.

Current server date and time: 18/03/2025 Tuesday 10:46

Who I am


I joined this game since last August 2014. I was a noob newbie at that time and I realised how important is a wiki of a game. I was wandering in Tulimshar, seeking the shop which sells arrows(and I had been searched for 2 days). And I found Ginaria and with her help, I'm now familiar with this game. I started editing wiki since September, before the Halloween Quest 2014. I found some mistakes on the quest page and I found the editing process interesting. You can learn much mediawiki codes and uses of templates. These knowledges are useful for web hosting.
My first wiki edit is Trick Or Treat.

Facts about me

  1. Although I'm 14 only but due to Hong Kong's educational system, my school is a 'College'. Use-food-xmascake.png
  2. I'm using Ubuntu and here's my profile of AskUbuntu community. Use-food-xmascandycane.png
  3. I ALWAYS fail in Maths. Generic-tonoridelight.png
  4. I'm a leader of MFG guild. Generic-jellyskull.png
  5. I can speak Cantonese, Mandarin, English and un poquito de español. Generic-candypumpkin.png


Ask any questions about me here and I'll answer ! (Feel free to add the question here)


Contact me

  • Skype

  • Email


  • Forum


  • In game

/w alexanderlime ___ or /mail alexanderlime ___ when I'm offline.

Spoiler Guide

The Spoilers extension adds a spoiler tag that will hide a block of text. The spoiler button's show/hide message can be customized for each set.

For example, if I want to costomize the show message as "Hi" and hide message as "Bye", I would type:

<spoiler show="Hi" hide="Bye">spoiler text here</spoiler>

And here's the result: <spoiler show="Hi" hide="Bye">spoiler text here</spoiler>

If I want the spoiler to show hide message only, I would type
<spoiler hide="Bye">
instead of
<spoiler show="Hi" hide="Bye">
and the hide message would be "Hide Spoiler". <spoiler hide="Bye">spoiler text here</spoiler> If you are lazy, simply use
<spoiler>spoiler text here</spoiler>

Please Check my wiki guide.


  • Win_ows S U C K S. They tried to improve on win_ows 8 but that messed up.
  • I love the French translations made by Altus Institute. They inspired me so much.
