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System Commands@version Displays SVN version of the server. @rates Displays the server rates. Output Example: @time Displays the local server time, along with day/night information. @uptime Show server uptime since last map server restart. Output Example: @refresh @refreshall Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server. @showexp Toggles the display of experience gain messages. @showzeny Toggles the display of Zeny gain messages. @showdelay Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message. Output Example: @noask Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites. @noks Toggles Kill Steal Protection. @font <0-9> Sets client font (0 is the default). @agitstart @agitend Starts or ends War of Emperium [FE] by invoking scripts with the @agitstart2 @agitend2 Starts or ends War of Emperium [SE] by invoking scripts with the @pvpon @pvpoff Enables or disables PvP (Player vs. Player) mode on a map. @gvgon @gvgoff Enables or disables GvG (Guild vs. Guild) mode on a map. @skillon @skilloff Enables or disables skill usage on a map. @allowks Toggles Kill Steal Protection on a map. @day @night Sets the server to day or night mode. @sound <filename> Plays the specified sound. @snow @clouds @clouds2 @fog @fireworks @sakura @leaves Toggles weather effects on your map. @clearweather Stops all weather effects. May require a map change or @refresh @mapflag <flag> <value 0-1> Sets a mapflag for the current map (1 = On, 0 = Off). @addwarp <map> <x> <y> <npc name> Creates a warp portal on the character's current coordinates that lasts until the next reboot. Example: @addwarp prontera 50 50 my_warp_sample Output: New warp NPC 'my_warp_sample' created. @effect <effect ID> Creates a visual effect on or around the character. @misceffect Does some visual effect on the character (more info needed). @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>} Displays the animation of a skill without really using it (debug function). @option {<param 1> {<param 2> {<param 3>}}} Adds visual effects to the attached character. @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}} Displays a status change without really applying it (debug function). @send <Hex Number> {<value>} Used for testing packet sends from the client (debug function). @mapinfo Displays information about the current map. Output Example: Map Info ------ Map Name: prontera | Players In Map: 1 | NPCs In Map: 127 | Chats In Map: 0 Map Flags ------ Town Map @gat Gives information about terrain/area (debug function). Output Example: Database Commands@mobinfo <mob name/ID> Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data). Example: @monsterinfo Poring Output: - Jellopy 70.00% - Knife[4] 1.00% etc... @iteminfo <item name/ID> Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops). Example: Output: @whodrops <item name/ID> Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. @autoloot {<%>} Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs. @alootid <+/- item name/ID> @alootid reset Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time. @autoloottype <+/-><type name> @autoloottype reset Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type. Type List: healing, usable, etc, weapon, armor, card, petegg, petarmor, ammo. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list.
Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map. Output Example: 1[155:184] Poring 2[154:188] Poring 3[127:146] Poring @idsearch <item name> Looks up an item by name (or part of a name). @showmobs <monster name/ID> Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on your mini-map. This shows up as a small white cross (+). @whereis Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts. @skillid <skill name> Looks up a skill by name (or part of a name). @skilltree <skill ID> <target> Lists requirements to obtain the specified skill on the target character. @questskill {<skill ID>} @lostskill {<skill ID>} Permanently adds or removes the specified quest skill. If no skill ID is specified, a list of available skills will be returned. @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target> Casts the specified skill. Example: @useskill 28 5 Char2 -> casts Level 5 Heal on player Char2 Player Information Commands@commands Displays a list of @ commands available to the player. @charcommands Displays a list of # commands available to the player. @help <command> Displays the help message for the specified command. @exp Displays current levels and % progress. Output Example: Base Level: 13 (3.323%) | Job Level: 10 (0.000%) @stats Displays the stats of the attached player in your chat bar. @storagelist <player name> Displays Kafra storage contents of the specified player. @cartlist <player name> Displays cart contents of the specified player. @itemlist Displays inventory contents of the attached player. @who @who2 @who3 Returns a list of online characters. @who will also return character positions. @who2 will also return job classes. @who3 will also return parties/guilds. @whomap @whomap2 @whomap3 Returns a list of online characters in a specific map. @whomap will also return character positions. @whomap2 will also return job classes. @whomap3 will also return parties/guilds. @whogm Returns a list of GMs online. For those who are higher GM level than yourself, only name is shown. For the rest, the command acts as a combination of @who+@who2+@who3. @users Displays distribution of players on the server per map (% on each map which has players.) Output Example: prontera: 1 (50%) prt_fild01: 1 (50%) all: 2 @where <player_name> Locates a player on a map. The player must be online. @jailtime Displays remaining jail time. If @jail was used, the chat window will display "You have been jailed indefinitely". @accinfo <player name/account id> Searches for an account by ID or a character name, and outputs detailed information. Password will only be displayed for group levels lower than yours. To search partial names, "%" can be used as a wildcard. Example: @accinfo Test% Output: -- Account 2000001 -- User: user123 | GM Group: 0 | State: 0 Password: password123 Account e-mail: Last IP: (Unknown) This user has logged 27 times, the last time were at 2012-11-24 17:29:07 -- Character Details -- [Slot/CID: 0/150001] Test1 | High Swordsman | Level: 99/50 | Off [Slot/CID: 1/150002] Test2 | Rune Knight | Level: 150/50 | On Action Commands@me <message> Displays the text as a normal message with the format "*name <message>*" instead of "name: <message>". @main {<message>} Broadcasts a message to all players with @main enabled. Using the command without a message will enable or disable main chat. @storage Opens your Kafra storage. Opens your mailbox. @auction Opens the auction window. @identify Opens the Identification window if any unappraised items are in your inventory. @trade <player name> Opens the trade window with the specified player. @autotrade Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off. The character will continue vending until you log in to that account again, all items are sold, or the mapserver closes. @monster <monster name/ID> {<amount>} @monstersmall <monster name/ID> {<amount>} @monsterbig <monster name/ID> {<amount>} Spawns the specified monster. If an amount is given, that number will be spawned. Additionally, monster size can be adjusted. @summon <monster name/ID> {<duration>} Spawns mobs that treat you as their master. If a duration is specified, they will stay with you until the duration has ended. @clone <player name/ID> @slaveclone <player name/ID> @evilclone <player name/ID> Spawns a clone of the specified player. @clone will spawn a supportive clone. @slaveclone will spawn a supportive clone that follows the creator around. @evilclone will spawn an aggressive clone. @item <item name/ID> {<amount>} /item <item name/ID> @delitem <item name/ID> <amount> Creates or removes the specified item. If an amount is given for @item, that number will be created. @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> Creates an item with the given parameters (the 'cards' can be any item). identify_flag: 0 = unidentified, 1 = identified attribute: 0 = not broken, 1 = broken @itembound <item name/ID> <amount> <bound_type> Creates the specified item and bounds it to the account. bound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type> Creates an item with the given parameters (the 'cards' can be any item) and bounds it to the account. identify_flag: 0 = unidentified, 1 = identified attribute: 0 = not broken, 1 = broken bound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of Very's> Creates a weapon with the given parameters. Example: @produce 1602 1 2 -> crafts an item called "Very Very Strong Char's Ice Rod". @refine <equip position> <+/- amount> Refines an equipped item by the specified amount. 0: All Equipment 1: Lower Headgear 2: Right Hand 4: Garment 8: Left Accessory 16: Body Armor 32: Left Hand 64: Shoes 128: Right Accessory 256: Top Headgear 512: Mid Headgear @repairall Repairs all broken items in your inventory. @dropall Drops all inventory and equipped items onto the floor. @storeall Places all inventory and equipped items directly into your Kafra Storage. @itemreset Deletes all inventory items (not equipped items). @clearstorage @cleargstorage Deletes all items in storage (or guild storage). @clearcart Deletes all items in cart, but does not remove the cart. @cleanarea @cleanmap Deletes floor items in sight range or across the entire map. @save Sets your save point as your current map coordinates. @memo {<0-2>} Saves a warp point for the "Warp Portal" skill. If a number is not specified, the command will output all currently saved locations. Location "void" indicates an empty warp point. @load Warps to your save point. @jump Warps to a random coordinate on the current map. @go {<location name/ID>} Warps to predefined locations in major cities. If no ID is given, all available maps will be displayed in the chat window. Locations and coordinates are stored in '/src/map/atcommand.c'. @warp <map> {<x> <y>} /mm <map> {<x> <y>} /mapmove <map> {<x> <y>} Warps to the specified map. If no coordinates are entered, a random location will be chosen. @jumpto <player name/ID> @follow <player name> Warps to the specified player. Additionally, @follow will track the player's movements until turned off. @recall <player name> /recall <player name> @recallall Warps a character to your position. Additionally, @recallall will recall the entire server. @tonpc <npc name> Warps to the specified npc. @killer Allows you to attack other players outside of PvP. @killable Allows other players to attack you outside of PvP. @blvl <+/- amount> @jlvl <+/- amount> Changes base or job level by the specified amount. @str <+/- amount> @agi <+/- amount> @vit <+/- amount> @int <+/- amount> @dex <+/- amount> @luk <+/- amount> Changes the specified stat of your character. @allstats Sets all stats to the maximum (default is 99). @allskill Gives your character all skills in their current skill tree. @stpoint <+/- amount> @skpoint <+/- amount> Changes unused status or skill points by the specified amount. @streset @skreset @reset Resets stats (@streset), skills (@skreset), or both (@reset). @feelreset Resets a Star Gladiator's marked maps. @jobchange <job name/ID> Changes your job. If no job is given, a list of all available jobs will be returned. Note that jobs 22 (Wedding), 26 (Summer), and 27 (Christmas) are not available via @job. @speed <0-1000> Sets the speed at which the character walks and attacks. Default is 150 (0 is fastest, 1000 is slowest). @spiritball <0-100> Summons the specified amount of spirit spheres around you. @mount @mount2 Toggles mounting/unmounting a peco (@mount) or cash mount (@mount2). @zeny <+/- amount> Changes Zeny by the specified amount. @cash <+/- amount> Changes Cash Points by the specified amount. @points <+/- amount> Changes Kafra Points by the specified amount. @model <hair style> <hair color> <cloth color> @hairstyle <default: 0-27> @haircolor <default: 0-8> @dye <default: 0-4> Changes appearance based on the given parameters. The min/max values are set in '/conf/battle/client.conf'. @changelook {position} <view ID> Changes the player's appearance to the specified view ID. If no position is given, the command defaults to headgear. 1: Top 2: Middle 3: Bottom 4: Weapon 5: Shield 6: Shoes 7: Robe @fakename {<text string>} Temporarily changes name to the specified string. If no string is given, the character's real name will be re-applied. @size <0-2> @sizeall <0-2> Changes your size (0 = Normal, 1 = Small, 2 = Large). Additionally, @sizeall will change the size of all online players. @duel {<player name>} @invite <player name> @accept @reject @leave Duel-organizing commands. Some options can be found in '/conf/battle/misc.conf'. @heal Fully heals HP and SP. @alive @raisemap @raise Resurrection commands. @alive will revive the attached player. @raisemap will revive all players on the map. @raise will revive all players on the server. @disguise <monster/npc name/ID> @undisguise @disguiseall <monster/npc name/ID> @undisguiseall Disguises or undisguises player as a monster/NPC sprite. Additionally, @disguiseall/@undisguiseall will disguise all online players. @monsterignore Makes you immune to attacks (monsters/players/skills cannot target/hit you). @hide /hide Toggles GM Hide (total invisibility to characters and monsters). @npctalk <npc name> <message> Command what other npcs say. Displays the message above the NPC's head (like the 'npctalk' script command). Administrative Commands@email <current@email.tld> <new@email.tld> Changes the email address attached the player's account. Note: This command doesn't validate the email address itself, but checks the structure of the email (xxx@xxx). Example: @email Output: Fail message: Invalid email. If you have default e-mail, type Success message: Information sent to login-server via char-server. @changesex Changes the gender attached to the player's account. @marry <player 1> <player 2> @divorce <player> Marries or divorces two players. @request <message> Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system). @gmotd Displays the motd file to all players. @broadcast <message> /b <message> /nb <message> @localbroadcast <message> /lb <message> /nlb <message> Announces a message in yellow text. Except for /nb and /nlb, the message will be prefixed with the name of the attached character. @broadcast will be shown to the entire server. @localbroadcast will be shown on the player's map only. @kami <message> @kamib <message> @kamic <color> <message> @lkami <message> Announces a message without a name prefix. @kami will broadcast in yellow text. @kamib will broadcast in blue text. @kamic will broadcast in the specified color (a hexadecimal value). @lkami will broadcast on the attached character's current map. Example: @kamic FF0000 This message is in red. @killmonster @killmonster2 Kills all monsters on the map. Additionally, @killmonster2 will prevent the monsters from dropping items (except looted items). @kill @nuke <player name> @doommap @doom Kill commands. @kill will kill the attached player. @nuke will kill the specified player and deal area splash damage. @doommap will kill all players on the map. @doom will kill all players on the server. @mute Mutes or unmutes a player (prevents talking, usage of skills, and commands). @mutearea will mute every player on screen for the specified time. @jail <player name>
@jailfor Sends the specified character to jail. If a time is not specified (jailfor), the player will be jailed indefinitely. @kick <player name/ID> @kickall Disconnects a user or all users from the server. @ban <+/- time> <player name> @unban <player name> Bans or unbans a player for a limited time. Time elements: y/a, m, d/j, h, mn, s Example: @ban +2d Char2 -> bans Char2's account for 2 days. @block <player name> @unblock <player name> Blocks or unblocks a player from logging in indefinitely. @mapexit Sends quit signal to mapserver, saving all data and causing a graceful shutdown. This will also send a packet to clients causing them to close. @reloaditemdb @reloadmobdb @reloadskilldb @reloadquestdb @reloadscript Reloads the specified database. -itemdb: Item Database -mobdb: Monster Database -skilldb: Skill Database -questdb: Quest Database -script: NPC Scripts @reloadatcommand @reloadbattleconf @reloadstatusdb @reloadpcdb @reloadmotd Reloads the specified configuration file. -atcommand: Atcommand Settings -battleconf: Battle Settings (may require relog) -statusdb: Status Settings -pcdb: Player Settings -motd: Message of the Day @set <variable> {<value>} Changes a player or account variable to the specified value. If no value is given, the variable's current value will be displayed. Note that the value of a string variable may be typed with or without double quotes. @setbattleflag <flag> <value> Changes a battle_config flag without rebooting the server. @adjgroup <group ID> Changes the group of a character (lasts until relog). The groups are specified in '/conf/groups.conf'. @addperm {<permission name>} @rmvperm {<permission name>} Changes the permissions of a character (lasts until relog). If no permission is given, a list of available permissions will be returned. @npcmove <x> <y> <npc name> Moves an NPC to a specified coordinate on its map. @hidenpc <npc name> @shownpc <npc name> Toggles the visibility of an NPC's sprite. @loadnpc <path> Loads an NPC script by path. Example: @loadnpc npc/custom/jobmaster.txt @unloadnpc <npc name> Unloads an NPC. Example: @unloadnpc Job Master @unloadnpcfile <path> Unloads all NPCs in a file. Example: @unloadnpcfile npc/custom/jobmaster.txt Party Commands@party <party_name> Organizes a new party, with the attached character as leader. @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no> Changes party options for experience sharing and item sharing. @changeleader <party_member_name> Changes the leader of your party to another member. You must be the party leader to use this command. @partyrecall <party name> Warps all online characters of a party to your location. @partyspy <party name> Allows you to spy on any party's Party Chat. At least one member of that party must be online. NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes) Guild Commands@guild <guild name> Creates a new guild, with the attached character as guildmaster. @breakguild Breaks the guild of the attached character. You must be the guildmaster to use this command. @changegm <guild_member_name> Changes the guildmaster of your guild to another member. You must be the guildmaster to use this command. @guildstorage Opens your guild storage. @glvl <+/- amount> Changes guild level by the specified amount. @disguiseguild <monster/npc name/ID> <guild name/ID> @undisguiseguild Disguises or undisguises all online characters of a guild. @sizeguild <size> <guild name> Changes the size of all online characters of a guild. @guildrecall <guild name> Warps all online characters of a guild to your location. @guildspy <guild name> Allows you to spy on any guild's Guild Chat. At least one member of that guild must be online. NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes) Pet Commands@makeegg <egg ID> Creates a Pet Egg based on the given ID. @hatch Opens the Hatch window (like using a Pet Incubator). @pettalk <message> Command what the player's pet will say. @petrename If you have not already renamed your pet, you can do this on the Pet window. If you have renamed your pet, this command will allow you to use the the rename option on the window again. @petfriendly <0-1000> Sets the intimacy level of your pet, with 1000 being "Loyal". @pethungry <0-100> Sets the hunger level of your pet, with 100 being "Stuffed". Homunculus Commands@makehomun <Homunculus ID> Creates the specified homunculus. @homevolution @hommutate {<Homunculus ID>} Evolves or mutates your homunculus, if possible. If no Homunculus ID is specified for @hommutate, a random ID is chosen. If it doesn't work, the /swt emotion is shown. @hominfo @homstats Displays homunculus stats in different formats. Output Example [@hominfo]: Homunculus Stats: HP: 153/153 - SP: 54/54 ATK: 59 - MATK: 69~69 Hungry: 29 - Intimacy: 5 Stats: Str 24 / Agi 25 / Vit 18 / Int 40 / Dex 31 / Luk 14 Output Example [@homstats]: Homunculus growth stats (Lv 1 Lif): Max HP: 153 (151~160) Max SP: 54 (50~60) Str: 20 (18~22) Agi: 22 (21~24) Vit: 16 (16~20) Int: 40 (39~45) Dex: 29 (25~34) Luk: 14 (13~15) @homshuffle Re-calculates homunculus stats, as if the homunculus was re-leveled from level 1. @homtalk <message> Command what the player's homunculus will say. @homlevel <+/- amount> Changes homunculus level by the specified amount. @homfriendly <0-1000> Sets the intimacy level of your homunculus, with 1000 being "Loyal". @homhungry <0-100> Sets the hunger level of your homunculus, with 100 being "Stuffed". |
From The Mana World