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IRC log of the meeting:
20:57 <@ElvenProgrammer> ok anyway we can start, it seems talaroc won't come, and his class should start now 20:58 <@ElvenProgrammer> modanung is back at least 20:58 <+Modanung> Yes, I'm back 21:00 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: i guess you don't have updates 21:01 <+Modanung> I did some concept art for wooden armor 21:01 <+Modanung> WITH colour 21:01 <+Modanung> I'll scan it this evening 21:01 <@ElvenProgrammer> and about the tasks that were assigned to you? 21:01 <+Modanung> None 21:01 <@ElvenProgrammer> i hope at least you remember them 21:02 <+Modanung> Tulimshar concept for 2 areas. 21:02 < criptos> mrlindeijer where are yooouuuuUUuuu... 21:04 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Want me to scan the concept now? 21:04 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: if it's not a problem 21:04 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: No biggy 21:05 <+Modanung> brb then 21:05 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: what about you? something new about the temple or town? 21:05 < Pajarico> yes 21:05 <@Rotonen> :) 21:05 < Pajarico> 21:06 < Pajarico> a creature for the forest 21:06 -!- degen [] has joined #tmwart 21:06 < degen> hello 21:06 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: that's old iirc 21:06 <@Rotonen> people are ditching desert for forrest -_- 21:06 < Pajarico> It was not complete 21:06 < Pajarico> 21:07 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: what were you waiting to show this? :P 21:07 < degen> hmm how is the "new" desert tiles comming along? (nomad and the other with railroads?) 21:07 < Pajarico> Rotonen, i have my own work method, no one pays me you know 21:07 <@Rotonen> :) 21:07 < Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, I just scanned five minutes ago :p 21:07 <@ElvenProgrammer> hehe 21:08 <@Rotonen> more location shots and eventually an entire aerial shot 21:08 < Pajarico> BTW, the final design is going to be almost the same of that drawing 21:08 < Pajarico> more detailed 21:09 <@ElvenProgrammer> _Kinetic_: you said you want to help talaroc right? 21:09 < Pajarico> what do you think? 21:09 < _Kinetic_> yes 21:10 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: what's that crop part? 21:10 < Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, fields for harvests 21:11 <@ElvenProgrammer> _Kinetic_: ok anyway i was looking through your hairs and I thought that (as you said) blond red and blue could use some improvement in coloration 21:11 < Pajarico> for grain mostly 21:11 < _Kinetic_> yep 21:11 <@ElvenProgrammer> _Kinetic_: my suggestion is darker blue, less saturated red, more orangish/brownish blond 21:12 < _Kinetic_> i was thinking that 21:12 < _Kinetic_> =) 21:12 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: like grain fields? above the city walls? 21:12 < _Kinetic_> ok i will fix it then 21:12 <@ElvenProgrammer> _Kinetic_: ^^ 21:12 < degen> ooh hair= 21:12 < degen> ? 21:12 < degen> are there new models for that? 21:12 < degen> sprites* 21:12 < Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, yes, actually in a hill on a upper level 21:13 <@ElvenProgrammer> _Kinetic_: oh and maybe increase the difference between gray and white hairs 21:13 < degen> Pajarico, perhaps one of the grass tiles i amde could be amde too look like grain/weet 21:13 < _Kinetic_> heh ok i will 21:13 <+Modanung> I'm back 21:13 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: as far as ia remember fields weren't in that part of the town 21:13 < Pajarico> degen, maybe, if you make it look like dried vegetation 21:14 < degen> Pajarico, 21:14 < degen> add some yellow adn light brown i dont think its impossible 21:14 < degen> Pajarico, <--- bigger (more tiles) 21:14 < Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, that's not really important, the drawing only tries to show how a cart would transport the grain from the harvests to the silo, position may be changed... 21:16 < criptos> Elven: how is negociated what the world shoudl be and what the server should provides? 21:16 -!- golgo [] has quit [] 21:16 <@ElvenProgrammer> criptos: you're confusing me 21:16 < Pajarico> degen, might work for first stages of develop, but for bigger plants i was thinking about something more lush and with differenciated leaves 21:16 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: i guess we could add a slope along the wall left of the silo 21:17 < criptos> for what I see from pajarico images, he need highs, at the server there is a discussion, also talks about "harvesting", this means a skill for harvesting should be coded, or not? or or.. 21:18 < degen> Pajarico, aye i agree but by adding shades of yellow i think you could both add the SoM style and wheet, isnt the inner city protected against the desastrous spell ? 21:18 <@ElvenProgrammer> criptos: yes we will have heights of course, about harvesting i don't remember reading about it, but of course it would be nice, anyway this is the artists meeting now 21:19 < criptos> Ok, any way, I will take notes about what artits wants, becose artist desires are server requirements... 21:19 <@ElvenProgrammer> criptos: sure 21:19 < degen> Well whats the agenda today? 21:20 < Matt_> give matt money 21:20 < Pajarico> degen, yes, but (some) crops dry naturally 21:20 < degen> do we have a "to do list" that we should update go through ? (seen the animations to do list so perhaps there are more?) 21:20 <@ElvenProgrammer> well i wanted to take a look at the progress first of all, i think only modanung missing atm 21:20 < Matt_> Modanung: !!! 21:20 < degen> Pajarico, :) yes ofcourse but that could be tiles for variety 21:20 -!- mode/#tmwart [+m] by ElvenProgrammer 21:20 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v Pajarico] by ElvenProgrammer 21:20 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v degen] by ElvenProgrammer 21:20 -!- Matt_ [i=m[a]] has left #tmwart [] 21:20 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v _Kinetic_] by ElvenProgrammer 21:20 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v criptos] by ElvenProgrammer 21:21 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v Mkael] by ElvenProgrammer 21:21 <+Pajarico> criptos, then add hability to harvest and a system to change the color of the drops according to season 21:22 <+Pajarico> and footsteps prints 21:22 <+criptos> pajarico... you ask :) I will deny them later :P 21:22 <@ElvenProgrammer> i guess we should first discuss about the development of Pajarico's part of the town 21:22 <+Pajarico> i only point it out, don't take me wrong 21:22 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, ok 21:23 <+Pajarico> let me talk about the palace a bit 21:23 <@ElvenProgrammer> i'm listening 21:23 <+Pajarico> the truth is that i'm having some problems with it 21:23 <@ElvenProgrammer> elaborat 21:23 <@ElvenProgrammer> +e 21:24 <+Pajarico> is hard to keep a balance between originality, tileability and if is just plain doable 21:24 <+Modanung> 21:24 <+Pajarico> some of the ideas i have might not work 21:24 <+Pajarico> but anyway, my last idea was 21:24 <+Modanung> Yes, I don't like the helmet either 21:24 <+Pajarico> to do a asimetric design 21:25 <+degen> asimetric? 21:25 <@ElvenProgrammer> i hope this one won't be expensive :P 21:25 <+Pajarico> yes, not simmetric :D 21:25 <+degen> aah 21:25 <+degen> :D 21:25 <+degen> possible but hard 21:25 <+Pajarico> a part is a bit like those Escher designs 21:26 <@ElvenProgrammer> i guess palace as well as mana temple will have less restrictions about tileability 21:26 <+Pajarico> very geometrical 21:26 <+Pajarico> and the other.... uh,...look a dragon!! 21:26 <+degen> like naturelistic? 21:26 <+degen> :P 21:26 <+Pajarico> seriously, 21:27 <@ElvenProgrammer> hmmm i guess i will have to wait a concept drawing to understand 21:27 <+Pajarico> it's going to have a balcony, one or more 21:27 <+Pajarico> to give rants the festive days 21:27 <+degen> Pajarico, are you thinking of the midle asian csatles and temples that they built during the medieval times? 21:27 <+Pajarico> (which reminds me we should stablish festive days) 21:27 <+Pajarico> degen, any photo? 21:27 <+degen> can look around 21:28 <+degen> <--- medieval fanatic 21:28 <+Modanung> Yay, parties! 21:28 <+Pajarico> and also a small garden, very low level, like Taj Mahal, let me search for a photo... 21:29 <+Pajarico> 21:29 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: of course every town will have its festive days and the whole map will change during these days, flags on the balconies, more people in the town and so on 21:29 <+Modanung> And free beer!!! 21:30 <+Pajarico> the river in the city is dried, right? 21:30 <+Modanung> Pajarico: I think it is, although I don't like that concept. 21:31 <+Pajarico> if it is, then the mill must bean windmill 21:31 <+Pajarico> or maybe hybrid 21:31 <+Pajarico> we have to settle this 21:31 <@ElvenProgrammer> nice idea, but the mill is barely visible according to the current plant, we should move it next to the dried river i think 21:31 <+degen> Pajarico, 21:32 <@ElvenProgrammer> and far from the wall 21:32 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, only in case it uses water, which i'm not sure Elven 21:32 <+degen> Pajarico, 21:32 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, you are right about the wall 21:32 <+Pajarico> i have an idea 21:32 <+degen> Pajarico, <--- window 21:32 <+Pajarico> move the windmill to the top of the wall 21:32 <@ElvenProgrammer> well when the river was not dried the mill worked using water i think 21:33 <+degen> Pajarico, 21:33 <+Pajarico> degen, that's from my country ;) 21:33 <+degen> Pajarico, your from spain? 21:33 <+degen> :D 21:33 <+Pajarico> degen, yes 21:33 <+Modanung> Hehe, that temple/castle is also featured in the cartoon 'Montana' 21:33 <+degen> well then you should know some of its architecture :) 21:34 <+degen> Modanung, i ahve no clue what that is :P 21:34 <+Modanung> And they put handcerchiefs in every fountain mounth and then the whole thing lowers and it's a secret entrance 21:34 <+degen> but thats the csatle of Alhambra its a very typical example of that sort of architecture 21:34 <+Pajarico> i know, i have images of it, i'm taking some inspiration from islamic architecture :) 21:35 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: i suggest you start working on the windmill and maybe a quick concept of the palace, so we can discuss about it better the next time 21:35 <+degen> mm during the medieval times the islamic or midle asian culture (which was in all in all arabic, Persia you know) 21:35 <+Pajarico> ok , i was thinking about a hybrid mill with 21:35 <+Modanung> And it's simmilar to Mephisto's lair in Diablo II btw 21:35 <+Pajarico> a part in the ground that is a water mill 21:35 <+degen> evelvod greatly adn had great affects on europeen ways of building 21:35 <+Pajarico> and a part in the top of the wall that's a windmill 21:36 <+Pajarico> both communicated with a mechanism 21:36 <+Pajarico> ? 21:36 <+Modanung> Pajarico: Yes, I thought of the mill to be hibrid too. 21:36 <+degen> Pajarico, me too if your referring to that drawing on the wiki 21:36 <@ElvenProgrammer> ok then agreed about the mill 21:36 <+Pajarico> ok, will work on it 21:37 <+Pajarico> next is doing concepts of mill and palace, discuss next week 21:37 <+Modanung> Did everybody see the armor concept btw? 21:37 <+Pajarico> and in the following meeting doing close-ups and start producing tiles 21:37 <+Pajarico> Modanung, me not 21:38 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: but it's wooden... 21:38 <+Modanung> 21:38 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Yes... so? 21:38 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: It's tropical wood 21:38 <@ElvenProgrammer> i don't like wooden armors :P 21:38 <+Pajarico> Modanung, is not a bad idea 21:39 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: You only want leather and metal armor? 21:39 <+Pajarico> It should capture arrows :D 21:39 <+criptos> wooden armors can 'broke' (endurance property of an armor) 21:39 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: as you probably have seen golgo is working on the new city walls tiles, as soon as he get something completed will start developing the silo i think 21:39 <+Modanung> Pajarico: Hehe, I think that would count for al armor then :P 21:39 <+Pajarico> and where is golgo? 21:39 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: remember i belong to the elves 21:39 <+degen> strong resilliance against piercing while flame and slashing/blunt damge gives dubble :P 21:39 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: You're a looney 21:40 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: his brother stolen his computer, maybe he'll come back later 21:40 <+Pajarico> ok 21:40 <+Modanung> His brother sold his PC for drugs? 21:40 <+degen> Modanung, bounce arrows of they all do except the wooden armor that "captures" them 21:40 <@ElvenProgrammer> anyway feel free to give suggestion about the texture to apply to the walls 21:41 <+Modanung> degen: Then arrows could be picked up from the ground? 21:41 <+degen> nope they might break from hitting metal on metal 21:41 <+Pajarico> degen, exactly that's what i was talking about 21:41 <+degen> but even with great force arrows gets stuck when shoot into wood ;) 21:41 <+degen> shot* 21:41 <+degen> Pajarico, yes ^^ 21:42 <+Modanung> They'd break when pulling them out 21:42 <@ElvenProgrammer> hmm meeting will be over in 20 minutes, so please concentrate 21:42 <+criptos> it shoul be asy to code if you think about generic properties, modanung armor could absorbe all trowing weapons... and be more frigile to blunt weapons... example a war hammer... 21:42 <+degen> Modanung, not if your careful 21:42 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, aye aye sire 21:42 <+degen> ok next topic should be either woodlands or character sprites me think 21:42 <@ElvenProgrammer> everyone has got his task right? 21:42 <+degen> since peopel working the desert and nomad tiles reant present 21:43 <+degen> hmm nope not me i work with a little bit every where 21:43 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Tulimshar concept, herbagressor, tree 21:43 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, for walls and maybe silo i was thinking ina surface like this: 21:43 <+Pajarico> 21:43 <@ElvenProgrammer> degen: i'd like you to help crush completing the woodland tileset, or develop the walls you made to create small desert houses (replace the grass with the desert tile of course 21:43 <+degen> hehe yes :) 21:43 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, will do so 21:43 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: yeah ordered in right priority 21:44 <+degen> the desert wall tiles that is 21:44 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: i'll tell golgo 21:44 <+degen> Pajarico, great picture that i feel like is a desert house 21:44 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: And oposite to motivation :P 21:44 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: of course 21:45 <+Pajarico> I have a last suggestion 21:45 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Eventhough it's high for all ofcourse 21:45 <+Modanung> Pajarico: Shoot 21:45 <+Pajarico> Modanung, your zone is the center, right? 21:45 <+Modanung> Pajarico: And east 21:45 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, Desert wall tiles, Woodlands (if crush needs me help on anything) (tree's leafs?) 21:46 <@ElvenProgrammer> degen: i'd like your walls to be used for houses more than for city walls 21:46 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, oooh i ment desert as walls for desert envirement =P 21:46 <+Pajarico> Ok, what about a small workshop for bricks and crafts, with a blast furnace? 21:46 <+Modanung> Besides, someone else started on the walls already 21:47 <+Modanung> Pajarico: I like the word 'blast' 21:47 <+Pajarico> and the rest ? ;) 21:47 <+Modanung> ...and furnace 21:48 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: i already told i like the idea but i'd prefer to have such a structure near the seaport 21:48 <+Modanung> If work equals coffee... then I like the workshop too. :P 21:48 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, why? 21:48 <+degen> Modanung, if your talkign about the wall i am making its for buildings i guess they could be used for City walls as well but that wouldnt be much variety 21:48 <@ElvenProgrammer> well i consider the seaport as the productive part of the town 21:48 <+Modanung> degen: I agree, but I think someone else was working on the city walls already, can't remember who though. 21:48 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, i cant see the use behind that 21:49 <+degen> Modanung, i think that is me your thinking on (i havent seen any walls in desert envirement except mine ) 21:49 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, the way you say it i understand Tulimshar has a sea part... 21:49 <+Modanung> degen: Possible 21:49 <+Modanung> Pajarico: And somehow a river too, yes... don't ask. :S 21:50 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, Pajarico, a smith is most often build as a house with a workshop so considering it near the living quarters its also by high chance as close to amrket as possible 21:51 <+degen> ooh ElvenProgrammer if i am not remembering it wrongly the water was kept inside the mountain right? to protect from the desastrous spell 21:51 <@ElvenProgrammer> degen: what? 21:51 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, if so then we should make a man made blockade in the river to symbolize that its being contained inside the mountain 21:52 -!- golgo [] has joined #tmwart 21:52 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, i read the story behind tulmishar 21:52 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Maybe it would be better to seperate the city and the seaport more... maybe have the train travel between them for goodstransport? And have the train travel further landinward as well? 21:52 <+degen> and if i am not wrong then Tulimshar protected its water by keeping it inside the mountain 21:52 <@ElvenProgrammer> Modanung: are you logging the meeting 21:53 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Am I not? 21:53 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: I probably am 21:53 <@ElvenProgrammer> i mean i will have to turn off my computer to unplug this hdd, so i need someone with the complete log or you will have to shut up while my computer is down 21:54 <+degen> i can copy paste the entire conversation in here since i joined channel :P 21:55 <+degen> that is since i said: hello 21:55 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: I guess it's all being logged on our server 21:55 <+Pajarico> i'min charge of the palace this is important to me: are we keeping the idea of stored-water-inside-the-mountain? 21:55 -!- mode/#tmwart [+v golgo] by ElvenProgrammer 21:55 <+Modanung> golgo: GOLGO!!! 21:55 <+degen> golgo, hellu 21:55 <+Pajarico> hi golgo 21:55 <+Modanung> golgo: Restole your PC? 21:55 <+degen> hehe 21:55 <+golgo> sup 21:56 <+golgo> restole? 21:56 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: which mountain anyway? mountains should be south according ti our map, exactly where the fire palace is 21:56 <+degen> golgo, any update on the castle? 21:56 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, when did you last update the story line behind Tulimshar? 21:56 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, but the palace is half carved in a mountain, isn't it? :~ 21:56 -!- Mkael [] has quit ["Client Exiting"] 21:56 <+golgo> um re-shading the castle to elevens liking and adding texture 21:58 -!- ElvenProgrammer [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:58 <+degen> ElvenProgrammer, <--- the story Tells how the wizards protected them and they brought in new soil which they protected and they protected the water as well and contained it inside the mountain 21:58 <+golgo> who here is also working on tiles? 21:58 <+Pajarico> degen, i wrote that 21:59 <+degen> golgo, cool would be nice if you could show a "in progress pic" or something := 21:59 <+degen> Pajarico, woopsi :P 21:59 <+degen> went of to the wiki :P 21:59 <+golgo> ill have a update on my post in a couple of minutes or so 22:00 <+degen> great :) 22:00 * Pajarico has more suggestions, but not art related. Please check the wiki tomorrow and comment there 22:00 <+degen> btw Pajarico and everyone else 22:01 <+degen> regarding the buildings the picture you showed us about "Adobe Moon - 0173.jpg" that sort of buildings is what we want for Tulimshar? 22:02 <+degen> 22:02 <+degen> that one 22:02 <+degen> i think i could make tiles for buildings like that 22:02 <+Pajarico> degen, ask Modanung 22:02 <+Pajarico> i'm in charge of non-standard buldings so... 22:03 <+degen> Modanung, could you also answer regarding the view ? should it be Top-down view (as the buildings are now, or should it be top-west-down view?) 22:04 * degen scratches his head 22:04 <+golgo> ...theres a change in view i havent herd?... 22:05 <+Pajarico> i'm going to divide the palace part 22:05 <+Pajarico> service and leadership 22:05 <+Modanung> degen: I think both 22:05 <+Modanung> degen: Mappers should have the ability to add diagonal walls 22:07 <+degen> Modanung, yes yes but a diagonal wall wont compensate for a diagonal view 22:07 <@Rotonen> comes along with custom brushes 22:07 <+degen> a diagonal wall is as it sounds 22:07 <+Modanung> Errr? 22:08 <+degen> while a diagonal view is also a diagonal fonrt tile a diagonal side tile etc etc :P 22:08 <+degen> fonrt= front 22:09 <+degen> umm think of an character a top-down view will show the character from the side above, the front above, the back above 22:09 <+Modanung> yea 22:09 <+degen> A diagonal view will show Half front and half side and half back and half other side 22:09 <+degen> get it? 22:09 <+Modanung> No 22:09 <+Modanung> Just a minute 22:10 -!- ElvenProgrammer [] has joined #tmwart 22:10 -!- mode/#tmwart [+o ElvenProgrammer] by ChanServ 22:10 <+degen> umm say you put a character with his nouse facing North 22:10 <+degen> noose* 22:10 <+Modanung> Nose 22:10 <+degen> <--- getting sleepy 22:10 <+Modanung> :) 22:10 <+degen> hehe 22:10 <+degen> :) 22:10 <+Modanung> So am I 22:10 <@ElvenProgrammer> what i lost? 22:10 <+Modanung> But do proceed 22:10 <+Modanung> ElvenProgrammer: Your appetite 22:10 -!- ManaEgg [] has joined #tmwart 22:10 -!- mode/#tmwart [+o ManaEgg] by ChanServ 22:10 <@ElvenProgrammer> -_- 22:10 <+degen> then lets say a diagonal view will be from above (at all times) but never N,E,S,W 22:11 <+golgo> i think you need to show him a graphic example :p 22:11 <+degen> instead it will show the character from NE,NW,SE,SW 22:11 <@ElvenProgrammer> golgo: so something new? 22:11 <+degen> and place the character so his nose points north 22:11 <+Pajarico> degen, just an advice, make a drawing and show it later :) 22:11 <+degen> :P 22:12 <+Modanung> degen: 22:12 <+degen> sooo wish i had a working scanner 22:12 <+Modanung> The first is the base view, but the second should also be possible 22:12 <+golgo> glad you ask elven, no, joking :p, ill post what i have new in my castle message post 22:12 <+degen> Modanung, Exactly !!!! 22:12 <+degen> Modanung, thanks for showing me :) 22:13 <+degen> that was what i was trying to answer :P 22:13 <+Pajarico> degen, no pun intended, explaining those things are hard on IRC 22:13 <+degen> to get an answer for* 22:13 <+Modanung> degen: I drew it the last time you asked but somehow I didn't show it... probably was time to go to bed or something. 22:13 <+degen> hehe 22:13 <+degen> := 22:13 <+degen> :) 22:13 <+degen> aan shiat 22:13 <+degen> i have a social exam tomorow in civil laws ... 22:14 <+Modanung> degen: Sucks being you 22:14 * degen sighs heavily 22:14 <+degen> yeah well i say shit the same 22:14 -!- maci [] has joined #tmwart 22:14 <+Modanung> degen: I have 2 hours of class tomorrow; English and Biology 22:14 <+Modanung> And then some other game designing meeting for another project I have with a friend of mine. 22:15 <+degen> i need 50 high school points to go to Uni i am retaking 400 to get the studing compensation from the CNN (the bastards that give us money for going to school :P) 22:15 <+degen> Modanung, i only ahve one and its an exam :P 22:15 <+Pajarico> so the meeting has ended? 22:16 <+degen> Modanung, studying : History A, Social studies B, Webdesign (which i should have ended about now), and Win Office 22:16 <+Pajarico> Have to go 22:16 <+degen> which should have ended about now * 22:16 <+degen> ok take care Pajarico 22:16 <+Modanung> Highschool here 22:16 <+Pajarico> ElvenProgrammer, good luck putting a summary of this mess 22:17 <+degen> aah i graduated about a year ago :P 22:17 <+degen> Pajarico, hehe that wont be easy 22:17 * degen bows before ElvenProgrammer what a patience he must have 22:18 <+golgo> pink blows :p 22:18 <+degen> Modanung, <--- thats the sort of buildings we want for tulimshar right? 22:18 <+Modanung> Pajarico: Bye 22:19 <+Modanung> degen: Guess so 22:19 <+Modanung> degen: Different windows I guess 22:20 <+degen> mm 22:20 <@ElvenProgrammer> Pajarico: you can do it as well, anyway friends here now, so i'm busy 22:21 <+Modanung> degen: We can always change the tiles afterwards :) 22:21 <+degen> Modanung, more "dug" out windows 22:21 <+degen> aaye true true 22:21 <+degen> i think its time for me to start skissing up some houeses to see what type of tilse i must make 22:21 <+degen> and get wine installed 22:21 <+degen> :P 22:21 <+Modanung> degen: And wooden shutters, yes 22:21 <+degen> so i can use Tilestudio 22:22 <+degen> ooh yes yes 22:22 <+degen> blue ones :D 22:22 <+Modanung> Blue? :S 22:22 <+degen> color? beige or shades of white and brown? 22:22 <+degen> ofc ! 22:22 <+degen> :D 22:23 <+degen> Modanung, think Isreal and otehr countries with alot fo sun :P 22:23 <+degen> they tend to hvae blue wooden shutters XD 22:23 <+degen> white "sotne" buildings with blue shutters 22:23 <+Modanung> I think most colour in the architechture should be from cloth (banners, brise-soleil, curtaints, etc) 22:23 * degen drools 22:23 <+degen> aaye sire 22:24 <+Modanung> We could also have different colours 22:24 <+degen> hmm thats something that could be kidna cool you know 22:24 <+degen> having "curtain like door openings 22:24 <+degen> you know like a "tent" infront of the door 22:24 <+degen> hard to explain liek that but 22:24 <+degen> curtains for shade in the entrance 22:24 <+degen> :P 22:24 <+Modanung> Yea, I know what you mean 22:24 <+degen> for adding variety 22:25 <+degen> and balconies above entrances 22:25 <+degen> with flowe pots 22:25 <+degen> flower* 22:25 <+Modanung> Soil is really expensive in Tulimshar 22:26 <+degen> aaah but the wealthy ones lives above the poor ones ! 22:26 <+degen> :D 22:26 <+degen> liek the wealthier districts 22:26 <+Modanung> The wealthy ones own a whole house 22:26 <+degen> what is a town without the wealthy district :P 22:26 <+Modanung> :P 22:26 <+Modanung> I agree 22:26 <+degen> yes but sint Tulimshar built ontop of each other 22:26 <+degen> isnt* 22:27 <+degen> liek the lowest part of the town is the beggars place 22:27 <+degen> and above them is the workers district 22:27 <+degen> above them is the merchant district 22:27 <+degen> above them aristocratic district 22:27 <+degen> and then comes castle 22:27 <+Modanung> I was thinking more about beggar that live in the dried river bank 22:27 <+Modanung> beggars* 22:27 <+degen> that works as well 22:28 <+degen> but isnt the river "flowing" (not anymore) down side the mountain? 22:28 <+Modanung> Weathly people near the shops, market and palace 22:28 <+degen> liek the worst place is the bottom :P 22:28 <+degen> ok 22:28 <+degen> so simplistic its all at the ground 22:29 <+degen> and everyone its in a valey near a mountain 22:29 <+degen> everything* 22:30 <+Modanung> Well the river bank is like the gutter 22:30 <+degen> hehehe 22:30 <+golgo> is the game going to have a day and night cycle? 22:31 <+Modanung> I don't think so... not sure though if it's been decided yet. 22:31 -!- maci [] has quit [Client Quit] 22:31 <+golgo> oh ok 22:32 <+Modanung> golgo: Would be cool though if the world would be big enough to have light and dark places and the same time 22:32 <+degen> Modanung, that became a very detailed picture in my head :P gutter->riverbank->gutter 22:33 <+golgo> yep 22:34 <+golgo> so as far a technology go's, is it industrial 50's era?, any machinery in the game? 22:34 <+golgo> as* 22:36 <+Modanung> golgo: Seems like we'll have a train, teleportation... but no cars 22:36 <+degen> Modanung, if you ahd added cars why not add machine guns ... 22:36 <+degen> :P 22:37 <+Modanung> golgo: Swords, armor, steeds... 22:37 <+degen> or rifles ... :P 22:37 <+Modanung> I don't know about guns 22:37 <+golgo> i love doing machinery :p 22:37 <+degen> i ment as _if_ you had added cars :P 22:37 -!- _Kinetic_ [] has left #tmwart [] 22:37 <+Modanung> Maybe simple gunpowder things, or mana missiles 22:37 <+degen> haha :D 22:37 <+degen> mana rifles 22:37 <+degen> haha like evil scientist mages 22:37 <+degen> and their minions 22:38 <+Modanung> Like the black wizard from Monty Python's: The Quest for the Holy Grail 22:38 <+Modanung> Love his horns :P 22:38 <+degen> HAHAHAHA 22:38 <+degen> D: 22:38 <+degen> :D 22:38 <+degen> ahaha 22:38 <+Modanung> Like the black wizard from Monty Python's: The Quest for the Holy Grail 22:38 <+Modanung> Love his horns :P 22:38 <+degen> HAHAHAHA 22:38 <+degen> D: 22:38 <+degen> :D 22:38 <+degen> ahaha 22:38 <+degen> god that was a long time since last i thought tof that movie 22:39 <+degen> :D 22:39 <@ElvenProgrammer> ok the meeting is over i guess 22:39 <@Rotonen> just when i got back :/ 22:39 <@Rotonen> sorry i had to go since there was an accident on the parking lot involving my car -_-