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#REDIRECT [[Ancea#Argaes]]
[[Image:Worldmap highlight argaes.jpg|thumb|Argaes, the central continent]]
== History ==
When the Gods made their escape from within the crystals, the flow of elemental energy throughout the world, was altered and distorted. In addition to releasing vast amounts of previously unavailable energy, the environment was severely disrupted. Weather patterns became very unpredictable for a short time, but when the age of storms passed, one concentrated area of the sea still remained turbulent. Eventually, this turbulence turned in to an enormous whirlpool, interrupting any travel through the area.
Like the stormy time before it, the whirlpool eventually began to relent. As the the storms subsided and the fog cleared, an entirely new land lay in the open, waiting to be explored. So, for a few generations, many people visited the new island continent. Some of the more spiritual types called it "Gaea's Land" or "the Holy Gardens" .. others just referred to it rather vaguely as "the Island", for lack of any proper name.
One day, a severe storm suddenly encased the area, with little warning. The few settlements that had developed were destroyed, but most of the people and animals managed to survive. After the storm subsided however, the sea continued to swirl rapidly around the continent, making travel difficult; essentially isolating the entire continent from the rest of the world.  The sea (and often the skies) remained so consistently turbulent, that travel to and from the area gradually declined. Self-sufficiency on the central continent became a priority for everyone living there.  The first native cultures of the area would emerge from this isolation.
At first, the eastern half of the continent was a bounty of wild flora, allowing people to perform a passive form of agriculture; gathering.  There were a few controlled crops, but they were small and uncommon.  Most of the resources gathered from the area were of a wild variety.
However, when the wild fruits, vegetables and herbs failed to output, people became impatient.  When it started to seriously impact the area's food supply, people began to clear the land for farming.  Much to the protest of forest and jungle-dwelling folk, most of the eastern forest was destroyed to make way for farms.  Though farming went well for a while, the hot winds from the nearby desert proved to be too harsh for the eastern edge of the continent.  The area degraded in to a dusty, desert landscape, far from its former vitality and the farming days were over.
Many of the people moved west, some attempted to leave the continent entirely.  Some were content to stay on damaged ground, preferring the lifestyle for its rugged appeal.    After the end of a small war to the southeast, a number of dislocated soldiers sought refuge with a small group of desert-dwellers.  The disorganized desertfolk realized that they warriors had much wisdom to offer them and insisted on receiving their guidance.  The warriors that stayed later founded the town of Sonbral.
The people that moved toward the remaining woodland area blended in to the existing population to form what is now generally known as Zartam. 
== Environment ==
Argaes has the most diverse environment in the world.  With the exception of arctic snow and ice, the landscape presents an accurate sample of each of the world's terrain-types, making it an ideal place for a young adventurer to get started.  The currents surrounding the continent are too strong for a small vessel to navigate, instead requiring larger ships to make the journey.  Weather can become bad enough that travel temporarily halts, even in modern times.. but it is an uncommon occurrence, when the largest and most daring vessels won't make the journey.
'''the northern coast:'''
The northern edge of the continent is mostly plains, with sparse forest-class woodlands.  The northeast coastline is a fairly consistent beach front, while the northwest coast tends to have more cliffs and rocky outcroppings.  Though there are quite a few streams in the northern area, no notable rivers are present.
'''the eastern dustbowl:'''
There is very little ground water and only a few small aquifers and springs, but fresh cacti can be tapped for water.  There are many old farm houses, barns and outbuildings scattered throughout the dustbowl.. quite a few have been buried by mountains of silt and debris.  Some of the more central stretches of land
'''the western woods:'''
What starts as a dense forest becomes a humid jungle.  This area is separated by a river that flows west from "unnamed lake" to the ocean.  Aside from that river, there are at least 4 other significantly sized rivers and many streams, spread out across the region.  Two mountains lie entirely within the jungle perimeter; the southernmost of the two is the world's largest known deposit of fool's gold.. though there are tales of sizable amounts of REAL gold being found, as well.
'''the southern mountainrange:'''
Travel across the mountains is a challenge, but the road that passes through them is bandit-territory, making it dangerous enough to consider an alternate route.  There are also rivers running between the mountains, which can be navigated by small raft or boat.. this also carries its own set of risks.
'''the strip of swamp:''' bisecting the large northbound river is a strip of swampland that is placed in such a way, that it contributes to the circular flow back toward the south.  This has allowed ferry-travel to become a successful form of business.
'''the island off of the northeast coast:''' this wooded island is full of ferocious beasts.  Only a few people live here and only they could tell you exactly why.
== Society ==
Before magic and technology brought consistent travel back to Argaes, the weather sporadically isolated the area.  Because of this fact of life, the people in the area have learned to stay concerned with life on Argaes and don't generally wonder a whole lot about business elsewhere, until it directly effects them.
=== government ===
Before the founding of the Capitol, Zartam and Sonbral lived in relative seclusion from one another.  In that time, they were more adequately described as kingdoms, though they have modernized slightly over time.  There are no remaining (functional) royal governments on Argaes.  Zartam is ruled by a council of Elders, who are chosen by a form of succession, but it is based on the individual's wisdom and has no bearing on birthright or bloodline.  Sonbral is ruled rather autocratically, with the strongest accepting warrior serving as "Chief".  Testament to their roots as a trading post, the Capitol is governed by a very faceless board of commerce.
'''city-states:'''  [[Zartam]], [[Sonbraj]], "UNNAMED TRADE CITY"
=== locations ===
the trade city is sort of a capital of Argaes, since it serves as a buffer between Sonbral and Zartam.  It also takes this unofficial rank because it's the location of the World Academy, which has become a very sought after school for people around the world.  It's the ideal place to ahem.. START A JOURNEY.. ''wink wink, nudge nudge.''
the state of Sonbral governs the dusty desert basin, because no one else wants to..?  No way, man.. it's a population of tough-as-nails warriors, who need a tough environment to stay.. well.. tough!  This is a great place to lead warrior types to, for more advanced training, after their beginners studies in the trade city.  The City itself lies past the desert basin; you either need to travel through the dustbowl, or around it.  Luckily a road goes just around the basin's edge, though you might still get some sand in your boots.
the jungle city grew from the demon culture that has thrived in the area, since the continent sprung from the depths of the sea.  There are plenty of bridges stretched up high between tall trees.. also hollowed trunks for buildings and in some cases, mushroom houses, the cheapest and most temporary kind of house you can buy!
I'll clean up and add more in the morning.. I got home too late tonight to finish my updates.

Latest revision as of 10:34, 17 July 2020

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