From The Mana World
(added database commands and its really tiring)
Line 67: Line 67:
A list of IDs can be found in '/db/const.txt'.<br/>
A list of IDs can be found in '/db/const.txt'.<br/>
Descriptions of the effects can be found in '/doc/effect_list.txt'.
Descriptions of the effects can be found in '/doc/effect_list.txt'.
Does some visual effect on the character (more info needed).
*'''@displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}'''
Displays the animation of a skill without really using it (debug function).
*'''@option {<param 1> {<param 2> {<param 3>}}}'''
Adds visual effects to the attached character.<br/>
If no parameter is specified, a list of available options will be returned.
*'''@displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}'''
Displays a status change without really applying it (debug function).-
*'''@send <Hex Number> {<value>}'''
Used for testing packet sends from the client (debug function).<br/>
Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
Displays information about the current map.<br/>
Output Example:<br/>
------ Map Info ------<br/>
Map Name: prontera | Players In Map: 1 | NPCs In Map: 127 | Chats In Map: 0<br/>
------ Map Flags ------<br/>
Town Map<br/>
Autotrade Enabled<br/>
PvP Flags: <br/>
GvG Flags: <br/>
Teleport Flags: <br/>
No Exp Penalty: On | No Zeny Penalty: On<br/>
Weather Flags: Displays Night | <br/>
Other Flags: NoBranch | Reset | <br/>
Other Flags: <br/>
Gives information about terrain/area (debug function).<br/>
Output Example: <br/>
prontera (x= 165, y= 202) 00 00 00 00 00<br/>
prontera (x= 165, y= 201) 01 00 00 00 00<br/>
prontera (x= 165, y= 200) 01 00 00 00 00<br/>
prontera (x= 165, y= 199) 01 00 00 00 00<br/>
prontera (x= 165, y= 198) 01 00 00 00 00<br/>
==Database commands==
*'''@mobinfo <mob name/ID>'''
Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data).<br/>
@monsterinfo Poring<br/>
Monster: 'Poring'/'Poring'/'PORING' (1002)<br/>
Lv: 1 HP:60 Base EXP:27 Job EXP:20 HIT:103 FLEE:183<br/>
DEF:2 MDEF:5 STR:6 AGI:1 VIT:1 INT:1 DEX:6 LUK:5<br/>
ATK:8~9 Range:1~10~12 Size:Medium Race:Plant Element:Water (Lv:1)<br/>
- Jellopy 70.00% - Knife[4] 1.00% etc...
*'''@iteminfo <item name/ID>'''
Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).<br/>
@iteminfo Jellopy<br/>
Item: 'Jellopy'/'Jellopy'[0] (909) Type: Etc. | Extra Effect: None<br/>
NPC Buy:6z, Sell:3z | Weight: 1.0<br/>
- Maximal monsters drop change: 75.00%<br/>
*'''@whodrops <item name/ID>'''
Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. Only the highest drop rates are shown.
*'''@autoloot {<%>}'''
Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs. If a percentage is given, only items dropped at that rate and below will be autolooted.
*'''@alootid <+/- item name/ID> @alootid reset'''
Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time.
*'''@autoloottype <+/-><type name> @autoloottype reset'''
Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type.<br/>
Type List: healing, usable, etc, weapon, armor, card, petegg, petarmor, ammo.<br/>
Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list.
*'''@mobsearch <monster name>'''
Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map.<br/>
Output Example:<br/>
1[155:184] Poring<br/>
2[154:188] Poring<br/>
3[127:146] Poring<br/>
*'''@idsearch <item name>'''
Looks up an item by name (or part of a name).
*'''@showmobs <monster name/ID>'''
Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on your mini-map.<br/>
This shows up as a small white cross (+).
Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts.
*'''@skillid <skill name>'''
Looks up a skill by name (or part of a name).
*'''@skilltree <skill ID> <target>'''
Lists requirements to obtain the specified skill on the target character.
*'''@questskill {<skill ID>} @lostskill {<skill ID>}'''
Permanently adds or removes the specified quest skill. If no skill ID is specified, a list of available skills will be returned.
*'''@useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>'''
Casts the specified skill.<br/>
@useskill 28 5 Char2<br/>
-> casts Level 5 Heal on player Char2

Revision as of 12:22, 6 March 2015

This article is currently under construction.

System commands

  • @version

Displays SVN version of the server.

  • @rates

Displays the server rates.
Output Example:
Experience rates: Base 1.00x / Job 1.00x
Normal Drop Rates: Common 1.00x / Healing 1.00x / Usable 1.00x Equipment 1.00x / Card 1.00x
Boss Drop Rates: Common 1.00x / Healing 1.00x / Usable 1.00x Equipment 1.00x / Card 1.00x
Other Drop Rates: MvP 1.00x / Card-Based 1.00x / Treasure 1.00x

  • @time

Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.

  • @uptime

Show server uptime since last map server restart.
Output Example:
Server Uptime: 3 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes, 4 seconds.

  • @refresh @refreshall

Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
Additionally, @refreshall will refresh all online players.

  • @showexp

Toggles the display of experience gain messages.

  • @showzeny

Toggles the display of Zeny gain messages.
Output Example: zeny_from_mobs: yes

  • @showdelay

Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message.
Output Example:
[Storm Gust] Cannot use the skills.

  • @noask

Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites.

  • @noks

Toggles Kill Steal Protection.

  • @font <0-9>

Sets client font (0 is the default).

  • @agitstart @agitend

Starts or ends War of Emperium [FE] by invoking scripts with the OnAgitStart/OnAgitEnd labels.

  • @agitstart2 @agitend2

Starts or ends War of Emperium [SE] by invoking scripts with the OnAgitStart2/OnAgitEnd2 labels.

  • @pvpon @pvpoff

Enables or disables PvP (Player vs. Player) mode on a map.

  • @gvgon @gvgoff

Enables or disables GvG (Guild vs. Guild) mode on a map.

  • @skillon @skilloff

Enables or disables skill usage on a map.

  • @allowks

Toggles Kill Steal Protection on a map.

  • @day @night

Sets the server to day or night mode.

  • @sound <filename>

Plays the specified sound.

  • @snow @clouds @clouds2 @fog @fireworks @sakura @leaves

Toggles weather effects on your map.

  • @clearweather

Stops all weather effects. May require a map change or @refresh for the effect to stop client-side.

  • @mapflag <flag> <value 0-1>

Sets a mapflag for the current map (1 = On, 0 = Off).

  • @addwarp <map> <x> <y> <npc name>

Creates a warp portal on the character's current coordinates that lasts until the next reboot.
The name parameter is mandatory and if it already exists, the server will automagically assign a name, and it will be displayed only once in the chat window.
@addwarp prontera 50 50 my_warp_sample
New warp NPC 'my_warp_sample' created.

  • @effect <effect ID>

Creates a visual effect on or around the character.
A list of IDs can be found in '/db/const.txt'.
Descriptions of the effects can be found in '/doc/effect_list.txt'.

  • @misceffect

Does some visual effect on the character (more info needed).

  • @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}

Displays the animation of a skill without really using it (debug function).

  • @option {<param 1> {<param 2> {<param 3>}}}

Adds visual effects to the attached character.
If no parameter is specified, a list of available options will be returned.

  • @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}

Displays a status change without really applying it (debug function).-

  • @send <Hex Number> {<value>}

Used for testing packet sends from the client (debug function).
Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"

  • @mapinfo

Displays information about the current map.
Output Example:

Map Info ------

Map Name: prontera | Players In Map: 1 | NPCs In Map: 127 | Chats In Map: 0

Map Flags ------

Town Map
Autotrade Enabled
PvP Flags:
GvG Flags:
Teleport Flags:
No Exp Penalty: On | No Zeny Penalty: On
Weather Flags: Displays Night |
Other Flags: NoBranch | Reset |
Other Flags:

  • @gat

Gives information about terrain/area (debug function).
Output Example:
prontera (x= 165, y= 202) 00 00 00 00 00
prontera (x= 165, y= 201) 01 00 00 00 00
prontera (x= 165, y= 200) 01 00 00 00 00
prontera (x= 165, y= 199) 01 00 00 00 00
prontera (x= 165, y= 198) 01 00 00 00 00

Database commands

  • @mobinfo <mob name/ID>

Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data).
@monsterinfo Poring
Monster: 'Poring'/'Poring'/'PORING' (1002)
Lv: 1 HP:60 Base EXP:27 Job EXP:20 HIT:103 FLEE:183
ATK:8~9 Range:1~10~12 Size:Medium Race:Plant Element:Water (Lv:1)

- Jellopy 70.00% - Knife[4] 1.00% etc...
  • @iteminfo <item name/ID>

Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).
@iteminfo Jellopy
Item: 'Jellopy'/'Jellopy'[0] (909) Type: Etc. | Extra Effect: None
NPC Buy:6z, Sell:3z | Weight: 1.0
- Maximal monsters drop change: 75.00%

  • @whodrops <item name/ID>

Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. Only the highest drop rates are shown.

  • @autoloot {<%>}

Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs. If a percentage is given, only items dropped at that rate and below will be autolooted.

  • @alootid <+/- item name/ID> @alootid reset

Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time.

  • @autoloottype <+/-><type name> @autoloottype reset

Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type.
Type List: healing, usable, etc, weapon, armor, card, petegg, petarmor, ammo.
Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list.

  • @mobsearch <monster name>

Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map.
Output Example:
1[155:184] Poring
2[154:188] Poring
3[127:146] Poring

  • @idsearch <item name>

Looks up an item by name (or part of a name).

  • @showmobs <monster name/ID>

Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on your mini-map.
This shows up as a small white cross (+).

  • @whereis

Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts.

  • @skillid <skill name>

Looks up a skill by name (or part of a name).

  • @skilltree <skill ID> <target>

Lists requirements to obtain the specified skill on the target character.

  • @questskill {<skill ID>} @lostskill {<skill ID>}

Permanently adds or removes the specified quest skill. If no skill ID is specified, a list of available skills will be returned.

  • @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>

Casts the specified skill.
@useskill 28 5 Char2
-> casts Level 5 Heal on player Char2