From The Mana World
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==Argean Lumber Company==
==Argean Lumber Company==
This lumber company is all about conservation for every tree they cut down they plant two fast growing trees in their place they have about 6 nature mages working with them at all times as to not interupt habitats of birds and squirrels. Each tree that can be cut is marked by the nature mages and two more trees take its place the nature mages keep everything well watered and fertilized so that the forest never gets any smaller it is just preserved and provides an endless source of material to build with. The nature mages have captured some mouboos to work with the lumber company. The mouboos are treated very well and get many treats for the work that they do dragging large logs and working the treadmill for the saw. Having no ships of their own they rely on the Ancean navy and the East tempurian company to do the shipping. They do not cut trees without an order so the forest has time to replenish itself and the wood doesn't sit and rot.
This lumber company is all about conservation for every tree they cut down they plant two fast growing trees in their place they have about 6 nature mages working with them at all times as to not interrupt habitats of birds and squirrels. Each tree that can be cut is marked by the nature mages and two more trees take its place the nature mages keep everything well watered and fertilized so that the forest never gets any smaller it is just preserved and provides an endless source of material to build with. The nature mages have captured some mouboos to work with the lumber company. The mouboos are treated very well and get many treats for the work that they do dragging large logs and working the treadmill for the saw. Having no ships of their own they rely on the Ancean navy and the East tempurian company to do the shipping. They do not cut trees without an order so the forest has time to replenish itself and the wood doesn't sit and rot.

==barley and grains==
==barley and grains==

Revision as of 14:22, 8 November 2013


Starting at the far west you have the forestland that is being lumbered by the ALC (Argean Lumber Company). They have a dock set up for ships to come get their wares but no ships of their own so they rely on the Ancean navy to get shipments delivered and the ETC (East Tempurian Company) as well for shipments. The central lands and western lands south of the mountains have rich soil which settlers have broken up and grow all sorts of fruits and vegetables. Some ambitious farmers have climbed the side of the mountain to plant grapes there for making wine. The settlers hunt for meat and count on the ETC to supply them with salt which they get from the Garason in Tempus. The settlers trade the crops that they grow for wood for their houses and for salt and spices that the ETC grow to the east side of Gasaron. The ETC then takes those crops and trades them for goods not in the region like sugar that has to be grown in Keshlam and rice that is grown in the Ancean Isles. The ETC trade some of their spices, mainly cayenne pepper, which the Ifrit love for Gisphar crystals to trade with some of the farmers for light during the summer nights.

East Tempurian Company

This trading company deals in spices, food, and wood. They travel to anywhere they can dock and trade and do not get involved in politics. They do not tell anyone who they traded what for what and so this keeps them from being discriminated against. They have many workers in the fields of gasaron on the easterly side and they keep them well paid and well stocked with food. They are on very good terms with the Ancean navy even coming to their aid in the past when an iceberg tore into one of their ships and sank it. The ETC turned their vessel around from it's destination and carried the crew of the Ancean ship back to their home island then traded some of the wood the had aboard to aid in making a new ship for some rice. Which they then traded to the ALC (Argean Lumber Company) for more wood to take to Nivalis since their shipment was late they only got half the pay but it was twice the worth to be on the good side of the Ancean Navy which when needed will use one or two of their ships down there at the East Tempurian company docks to carry large loads to places that need it.

Argean Lumber Company

This lumber company is all about conservation for every tree they cut down they plant two fast growing trees in their place they have about 6 nature mages working with them at all times as to not interrupt habitats of birds and squirrels. Each tree that can be cut is marked by the nature mages and two more trees take its place the nature mages keep everything well watered and fertilized so that the forest never gets any smaller it is just preserved and provides an endless source of material to build with. The nature mages have captured some mouboos to work with the lumber company. The mouboos are treated very well and get many treats for the work that they do dragging large logs and working the treadmill for the saw. Having no ships of their own they rely on the Ancean navy and the East tempurian company to do the shipping. They do not cut trees without an order so the forest has time to replenish itself and the wood doesn't sit and rot.

barley and grains

Near the fast flowing rivers in the south mills have been set up to grind wheat and flour. As well as anything else that needs milled.Then it is sold by the pound to the East Tempurian company to be spread throughout the world. The farmers in this region are very well spread out so it can take a day or two to walk to the neighbors.

Animal life

The plains also harbor much animal life. There are coyotes that hunt the area and there are rumor of big cats hunting mouboo herds but noone has managed to kill one yet to prove they exist. There is also much other plains life that can kill a man and there is also many animals that can be domesticated to help with work on the farms and to grow for meat as long as they are fenced in. Which keeping the fences up is a full time job.