Welcome to TheManaWorld! We hope you will contribute much and well. You will probably want to read the help pages. Again, welcome and have fun! — Jaxad0127 00:20, 4 July 2013 (UTC)
edit of getting started page
Default controls Keyboard Key Action Arrow move around Ctrl attack F1 toggle the online help F2 toggle profile window F3 toggle inventory window F4 toggle equipment window F5 toggle skills window F6 toggle minimap F7 toggle chat window F8 toggle shortcutbar F9 show setup window F10 toggle debug window Alt+0--Alt+9, - & + show emoticons S or Alt+S sit down / stand up Alt+F toggle debug pathfinding feature Alt+T toggle ignore/allow incoming trades Alt+P take screenshot A target nearest monster H hide all non-sticky windows G or Z pick up item Enter focus chat window / send message Shift hold it when attacking to lock target for auto attack Tip: The keys listed here are the default keys. To change the keys go to setup -> keyboard. Mouse Key Action Left-click (on character) Attack Left-click (on item) walk to and pick up Left-click (on ground) toggle walking in the direction of the cursor Right-click (on character) context sensitive menu Tips: When using the mouse to walk, your character will automatically use a pathfinding algorithm to take the nearest route to the mouse pointer's location. Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet). Right click to show up a context menu (trade, attack, befriend, ...). Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking.
The thought was to move controls section to getting started area so they know how it works before the walkthrough.
Imec's Petition
- Imec is a shop owner who was shut down by the wizard council. They shut him down for selling poison. Imec sees no harm in this and has written a petition to the wizard council askin for his shop to be reopened.