This is a proposal for a world lighting system. It also describes how player vision fits into this system.
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Light provides visibility to an area. Sight is the limit of a beings vision. Areas without sight cannot be seen and being cannot see beyond their sight, even if the area is lit. A being's sight is an inherent property of the being, and cannot be altered, except through special equipment, magic, and the like. Light, however can can be altered. It can be increased by light sources but cannot be blocked. A being can only see lit areas in range of it's sight. Regardless of lighting conditions, a being can always see it's immediate area (this has a radius of about 3/2 tiles). A light source's halo is an inherent property of the light source, that can only be altered by altering the light source itself, or thorough special magic. The Sun has an effectively infinite halo. When two light sources are close enough together, their halos interact and more light is available. Above ground, the Sun provides ample light for seeing and torches and lanterns have no effect on light. Below ground, torches and lanterns (as well as sun light that spills from portals) are the sources of light. Some beings have integrated lanterns and so do not need external sources of light. Other beings need a separate lantern to navigate dark areas.
When it's daytime, outdoor maps have full lighting. When it's night, minimal lighting is available (between daylight and cave light). Intermediate times should favor more light than dark. Dusk and night could also add tints (reddish/orange and blue, respectively).
Some weather effects effect lighting: blizzards, rainstorms, fog, mist, sandstorms, etc. Weather should not affect a player's sight.
Some items create light (lanterns). Others affect sight, usually increased range. Magical items can even counter the effects of fog, allowing a player to always have full (or above normal) sight. Of course, some items hamper sight.
Beings affected by certain magic can give off light. Spells could also create a temporary torch or lantern. Spells affecting sight are also possible.