From The Mana World
- Freeyorp/Patches/Add spells to display Magic experience and Life Magic experience
- Freeyorp/Patches/Add support for viewing the health and maximum health of other nearby members of your party/
- Freeyorp/Patches/BETA/Add Terranite Ore and Terranite Arrow items
- Freeyorp/Patches/BETA/Add Terranite Ore and Terranite Arrow items (Server)
- Freeyorp/Patches/BETA/Add make-Terranite-Arrow Spell
- Freeyorp/Patches/BETA/Make Alan hand out the make-Terranite-Arrow Spell
- Freeyorp/Patches/Display the Party Leaders name in bold font
- Freeyorp/Patches/Expand PartyWindow label again
- Freeyorp/Patches/Extended present Command
- Freeyorp/Patches/Fix Gotos in Sandras Script
- Freeyorp/Patches/Fix The where Command
- Freeyorp/Patches/Modify PartyWindow Sizing Again/
- Freeyorp/Patches/Modify the default keyboard settings to resolve a conflict
- Freeyorp/Patches/Remove localplayers hp and maxhp from the PartyWindow
- Freeyorp/Patches/Stop names in the PartyWindow from being cut off/
- Freeyorp/Systems