From The Mana World

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:47, 14 August 2009 TMW Writing.png (file) 478 KB The Mana World Symbols (.ttf may be available soon) 1
01:31, 14 February 2009 ImagerefWarlordBoots.png (file) 1 KB   1
01:30, 14 February 2009 ImagerefWarlordGloves.png (file) 2 KB   1
07:04, 29 January 2009 ImagerefWeapon4.png (file) 495 bytes   1
07:04, 29 January 2009 ImagerefWeapon5.png (file) 482 bytes   1
07:03, 29 January 2009 ImagerefWeapon2.png (file) 499 bytes Emerald 1
07:03, 29 January 2009 ImagerefWeapon3.png (file) 492 bytes Topaz 1
06:47, 27 January 2009 ImagerefWeapon1.png (file) 496 bytes Ruby 1
06:46, 27 January 2009 Imagerefaoe4.png (file) 12 KB Top Down View 1
06:41, 27 January 2009 Imagerefaoe5.png (file) 72 KB Concept Top down 1
10:20, 25 January 2009 Imagerefaoe3.png (file) 68 KB shadows applied to bottom crosses, fading on top, blue ring at bottom added 4
06:25, 22 January 2009 Imagerefaoe2.png (file) 3 KB Aoe healing 1
04:20, 22 January 2009 Imagerefaoe1.png (file) 4 KB Top down view of a AOE 1
07:42, 6 December 2008 Wrkibabytoniworlduz8.gif (file) 4 KB Werezwolf avatar 1