From The Mana World

Saving a Wife's Life

1 Stage

Quest Giver: Joaquim Location: Halinarzo, Church.

Joaquim need several items to save his wife's life. I probably should help.

Required Level: 55

2 Stage

Quest Giver: Joaquim Location: Halinarzo, Church.

Joaquim gave me an Elixir Of Life. I should hurry to Halinarzo Hospital and deliver to his wife, Yumi.

3 Stage

Quest Giver: Joaquim Location: Halinarzo, Church.

I managed to save Yumi's life. I should return to Joaquim and claim my reward.

4 Stage

This completes quest

Quest Giver: Joaquim Location: Halinarzo, Church.

Joaquim's wife will live. Thankfully. He gave me material to forge something cool. And he also gave me an Elixir Of Life. Wow.

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