From The Mana World
< User:Crush
Revision as of 21:42, 26 May 2008 by Crush (talk | contribs)

This will become a tutorial for creating particle effects. Still in the conceptualisation phase.


  • how does the engine work
  • where are the files for what purpose
  • how can particle effects be added to maps
  • how can particle effects be added to NPCs


Basic particle effect which creates a box of blinking particles.

  • Basic emitters
  • position-x, position-y, position-z
  • lifetime
  • output
  • image

Water Fountain

Moving particles with physics.

  • horizontal- and vertical-angle
  • power
  • gravity
  • Killed by floor contact

Fireball Fountain

  • Nested emitters
  • bounce
  • animation

Orbiting Spheres

  • acceleration
  • momentum
  • die-distance

Smoke puffs

Demonstrates the use of nested emitters for pulsating effects using the nomads pipe as an example

  • Negative minimum output for irregular output
  • Using nested emitters for timing purpose

Triangle in circle

  • Using nested emitter for circular and linear effects
  • Using trigonometrical calculations for creating geometric shapes.