From The Mana World
Revision as of 23:08, 23 February 2008 by Crush (talk | contribs) (→‎item-based)

just brainstorming by writing any posibility i can think of without thinking about if it makes sense for us or not


Secret of Mana approach

hold attack button to charge. the longer you charge the better the attack when you release it.

SD3 approach

successful normal attacks charge a combo bar which can be emptied to use a special attack

rage approach

the bar fills when YOU are hit succesfully

usual MMORPG approach

click icon or press hotkey to use special attack. each attack has a cooldown (or not). each use uses up mana (or not).

Street Fighter approach

special attacks are activated by more or less complicated finger acrobatics. they can be used without restrictions but you lose control over the character for the duration of the attack.

Mega Man approach

every special attack has a limited number of uses which can be recharged.

team formation

special attacks can only be used in parties when multiple people cooperate (like standing in a specific formation)

Magic system

Use our magic system for special attacks too, just that damage of special attacks is based on str instead of will -> would make int useful (maybe necessary?) for warriors. RP Explanation: Applied mana energy allows you to perform superhuman combat maneuvers.


learning by leveling

reach skill level X and you learn a special attack

skill tree

every skill has an ability tree. you get a skill-specific ability point on each levelup you can spend on a special attack of your choice (passive boni, too)

learning by quest

Do a quest and get teached a new special attack as a reward.

design your own special attacks

players can design their own special attacks within certain limitations

blue mage approach

learn a special attack by getting hit by it (even in PvP???)


your equipment defines what special attacks can be performed

  • integrate special attacks into rune system used for magic?
    • maybe different equipment for spellcasting runes and attack runes to differentiate between mage and warrior equipment?

learning by attributes

attacks are unlocked by reaching certain attribute prerequisites


combo bar approach

I think a combination of the rage and SD3 approach would be good. With that method, both tanks and high agility players will be able to use skills fairly often. As for obtaining, having a skill tree, some gained by quest, and some with items would be a good combination to keep players very interested and inspired i think. -roderic

magic system approach

I am currently favoring to integrate the melee special attacks into the magic system and rune combination seamlessly. One might argue that using int and rune slots for regulating both physical and magical combat reduces the difference between mages and warriors but i think the opposite might be the case:

  • Warriors need Dex+Str+Int while mages need Will+Int for maximum damage output so specialisation on one still makes sense.
  • Characters have to choose if they want to use their resources (int-based mana flow and rune slots) for physical or magical combat. The logical choice would be to concentrate on one to be able to benefit from attribute specialisation.
  • When we would separate magic and special atack system it would be easier for the player to utilize both independently at the same time. Would be an advantage for omni-characters (=bad).

--Crush 00:07, 24 February 2008 (CET)