From The Mana World
Revision as of 07:15, 16 February 2008 by Pkemrin (talk | contribs) (Kemrins Suggestions)
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Okay, to start with, Sparrons:

I don't like the bird type traits they've been given. The race is supposed to be the uncontested beauty's of the world, but beaks would make the males ugly; and talons would make the females harpy's!! Maybe my view is a little skewed, but think that we need to think up some more subtle traits that will make them air related without making them hideous. Perhaps they could posses bluish tinged skin, and maybe the females could occasionally posses peacock tails?

That said, Ifriton

In days which have long since been forgotten, the days when the gods still ruled the realm, the Ifriton lived in a jungle paradise They are said to have lived in a massive city at the foot of a great volcano. The city was said to possess such vast wealth thanks to the resources they collected from the surrounding jungle, some joked that the streets could have been paved with gold for only a small fraction of the city's wealth. They lived in this fabulous wealth for eon's, but after the Crystal of Flames was destroyed, The massive jungle in which they resided was burnt to cinders, and with it the fabulous wealth they enjoyed for so long was mostly swept away. Most Ifriton decided to continue living there; the jungle had become a volcanic desert, but the Ifriton found it possible to survive in the desert thanks to their resilience against heat and their ability to survive Indefinably without water, and for great periods of time without food. Ifriton infants were the only ones who truly needed water to live, and they found enough for at least them. They found life hard for some time, but after living in the barren wastes of their former home for some time, they adapted to life in the desert quite well, finding that they could harvest sustenance mostly from sunlight, and could draw what little food they needed from the corpses of the desert dwelling creatures they found here and there. They decided to rebuild their volcano base kingdom, which they renamed "Gispaa", meaning refuge. The area in which Gispaa exists is called Tonori by most races of the world.

Todays Ifriton sometimes seem a bit more stoic than the rest of Mankind, having been hardened to discomfort by there inhospitable home, and to misfortune by the tales of their civilizations fall from grace, which every Ifriton hears many times as a child. Ifriton tend to believe themselves able to survive anywhere, and under any circumstances; and they are considered to be natural born survivors by those who know there kind. "A weak Ifriton is a dead Ifriton," and they are taught this from infancy. Ifriton tend to view luxury as unnessasary and dangerous, as those who become accustomed to luxury tend to become weak, and in turn usually dead. It has been like this as long as anyone can remember. Other races tend to find the Ifriton to be harsh, but the hearty among the other races can make great friends out of an Ifriton, as they are extreemly likely to risk their lives to help save the lives of others. They view survival as a group effort.

The Ifriton female is not generally considered attractive by memebers of other races, but the males are the envy of every woman who has ever been pulled out of a tough situation by their strong leathery hands. The males and females alike tend to be rough, tough, and muscular. The Ifriton observe a culture bound by a complex honor code based around helping as many people survive as possible. This honor code is paramount in the life of every Ifriton, and helps very much to ensure their collective survival. Ifriton technically have two genders like other types of man kind, but the races genders are impossible to tell apart. Romances with other races are forbidden by the Ifriton code of honor, and the Ifriton can tell gender difference by scent, and courtship with the opposite gender is heavily regulated by the Ifriton code of honor. Offspring are raised by the community, and most Ifritons marry and bear offspring before the age of 17. Bearing offspring young and often is considered a great honor.