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Revision as of 01:51, 30 January 2008 by Pkemrin (talk | contribs) (Kemrin Proposed Changes)
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Jan 29, 2008

Thanks for the tip Crush. I'll post proposed changes to this area from now on.

Okay, I suggest that a fifth element be added: Life or Aether, just because it seems like it would improve the complexity of the legend to have the number 5 rather than 4, although the lot would be fine without it, it's just a suggestion.

Also, the Wiki contains grammatical and logical errors, one of which being that the combined power of mankind finally rivals that of the gods both before the gods sleep, and after they awaken. Also, the names of the elemental races should be explained before the part where the names are relied upon to know what's going on, such as the part where the races speak to god. It's not clear what's going on, because the races haven't yet been revealed to have those names.

Also, it's never explained that the elemental proto-humans melded into one species during The Age of Ancient Mankind, though it becomes evident that somehow there is just the one non-elemental human race left when there is no futher mention of the elemental races in either the Wiki, or the race selection of the game. Also I've not seen any other races in the game. ^_^ I just think it should be stated that they blended into one race.

Thanks, Kemrin H.