From The Mana World
Revision as of 09:09, 16 September 2005 by ElvenProgrammer (talk | contribs) (raw log of the last artist meeting (waiting for bjorn fromattation ;P))
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[15 Sep 05 20:49] + ChanServ enables 'Op' status for ElvenProgrammer
[15 Sep 05 20:49] + ManaEgg enables 'Op' status for ElvenProgrammer
[15 Sep 05 20:49] * ElvenProgrammer * who's ready for the meeting?
[15 Sep 05 20:49] * Talaroc * so, at this point, for the update to include the new playerset, there needs to be standing, walking, sitting, attacking (knife and bow) and death, right?
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Rotonen * yeah
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Talaroc * ok
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Crush * i think i am ready
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * ElvenProgrammer * yup
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Rotonen * since we don't have idle animations, yet ;P
[15 Sep 05 20:50] ^ m[a]tt is now known as MrGoogle
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Talaroc * just making sure the getting hit one didnt need to be in there yet
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Crush * climbing could be useful, too
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: did you get any further?
[15 Sep 05 20:50] ^ MrGoogle is now known as m[a]tt
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Crush * i planned to integrate ladders
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Rotonen * Talaroc: i don't think it's necessary just yet :)
[15 Sep 05 20:50] * Rotonen * we just need something at the moment
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * Rotonen * Crush: all in good time
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * Rotonen * i don't think our current server can handle that
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * maci * yeah .. i loved the climbing like in terranigma 
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * maci * it also had great jumb and attack things
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * Rotonen * but every extra animation set for the basic player sprite causes extra work for items
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * Talaroc * Elven: still getting my stuff in order.  some of it's being irritating.  but i'll probably upload this weekend.
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * maci * *jump
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * ElvenProgrammer * damn pajarico wasn't able to connect it seems
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: glad to hear that
[15 Sep 05 20:51] * Rotonen * well it's still not :00
[15 Sep 05 20:52] * Talaroc * Rotonen: not too much though, most of the time the extra item frames are just simple translation-rotations
[15 Sep 05 20:52] * maci * Rotonen: yeah but whats more work.. to do an item with like 30 litle picutres.. or do 15 .. and after a half year start on working to add the other 15 to the item sprites
[15 Sep 05 20:54] * treo * ok, I'm back
[15 Sep 05 20:54] * treo * but I'm also not an artist ^^
[15 Sep 05 20:55] * ElvenProgrammer * hmm not too much to say though iru and modanung are away as well as jetryl :/
[15 Sep 05 20:55] * maci * Talaroc: ever played terranigma?
[15 Sep 05 20:55] * Rotonen * Talaroc: depends :)
[15 Sep 05 20:55] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc has got no updates, so Crush let's start with your progress, anything new since the last post in the forum?
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * Crush * as you all should now im still working at the woodland tileset.
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * Crush * my main focus in the last days were the cliffs which got improved a lot. but they still lack some critical tiles and the grass integration. i also made a 2nd grass tile and some minor stuff.
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * Talaroc * Maci: nope
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * Crush * im still confident that i will have it finished before version .17 so that we can present an entirely new enviroment to the players.
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: what time is it there?
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * Rotonen * well i'm glad Crush and Talaroc are here, the persons with whom i need to talk to the most
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * maci * Talaroc: you may want to try to get a inspiration of what animations would be useable
[15 Sep 05 20:56] * treo * 20:57 here
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * Rotonen * Crush: you're not taking mapping time into account :)
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * Talaroc * Elven: 2:00pm
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: it will hardly be added to .17 but for sure in .18
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * Crush * we still got 2 weeks left
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * Talaroc * got about another 5-10 minutes before i gotta go
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * Rotonen * so what's the most recent playerset and the most recent woodland tileset ?
[15 Sep 05 20:57] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: ok
[15 Sep 05 20:58] * Talaroc * ...oh yeah, which reminds me: the saturation of the woodland tiles.
[15 Sep 05 20:58] * ElvenProgrammer * hehe exactly
[15 Sep 05 20:58] * Talaroc * wanted to discuss that in a little more depth
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * Rotonen * and we don't have a definite style when it comes to tiling, either.. :)
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * Talaroc * so, ok, Crush, i guess the best question to start with is, what's your concept for this forest area?
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * Crush * here is tha latest version of the complete set:
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * Crush *
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * m[a]tt * Talaroc: 32bit should be enough
[15 Sep 05 20:59] * Talaroc * m[a]tt: 32 bit?  on what?
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * m[a]tt * the depth
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * ElvenProgrammer * ah no way the high grass need a saturation reduction
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * Crush * i think the saturation is good as it is. i wanted the tileset to have a bright and happy look like the forests from som.
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: a light color doesn't mean a saturated one
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * Crush * ok, the high grass may be a little bit too bright.
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * Talaroc * well, remember, not all the forests in SoM were bright and happy.  so you do have a little play room there.
[15 Sep 05 21:00] * Rotonen * the cobblestoneish surface: i think it's a bit too clean and plastic..ish..
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Crush * cobblestoneish???
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * and i still don't have any definite opinions about the trees :)
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * the stone surface
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * dunno about the proper english term for that :)
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * cobblestone would be regular
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * i think
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Crush * are you talking about the cliff walls?
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * let's just call it "stone surfacing" for now :P
[15 Sep 05 21:01] * Rotonen * gray, middle right in the tileset
[15 Sep 05 21:02] * Crush * oh, the stone roads
[15 Sep 05 21:02] * Crush * yes, you may be right about that.
[15 Sep 05 21:02] * Rotonen * yeah, i don't think those quite work just yet
[15 Sep 05 21:02] * Rotonen * the cliffs are nice
[15 Sep 05 21:02] * Crush * they are also a little bit too dark maybe
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Rotonen * they're too clean: more detail and texture would improve it
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Crush * some dithering with a light grey tone could solve both
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Rotonen * i think we should set a standard about stone shading
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Rotonen * i think the stones by iru are amongst the best stone shadings i've seen to date
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Talaroc * they don't look too dark to me...
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Talaroc * agreed
[15 Sep 05 21:03] * Crush * yes they look really good
[15 Sep 05 21:04] * Crush * but i don't think i can copy that style.
[15 Sep 05 21:04] * Rotonen * not the style, but the idea of subtle details adding up
[15 Sep 05 21:05] * Rotonen * well before i can walk around a test map i don't think i can say anything definite, which makes me not-so-well suited as the head of pixellation and that's why elven has practically taken over that department for now
[15 Sep 05 21:05] * Rotonen * so i've concentrated on conceptualization and critique
[15 Sep 05 21:05] * Talaroc * yeah.  that's one of the big things i'm having to learn as I work on the playerset: not everything that is included has to be explicitly drawn, and often the details that are subtle can have the best effect.
[15 Sep 05 21:06] * Rotonen * yeah, the unconcious mind gets fooled by good tiles: if you examine them pixel by pixel, they aren't that good and don't contain as many details as they seem to contain
[15 Sep 05 21:06] * Crush * maybe elven could code some kind of "map tester" which allows to walk a map with a character sprite"
[15 Sep 05 21:06] * Talaroc * difficult to get used to, but it improved my style tremendously.
[15 Sep 05 21:07] * Rotonen * Crush: i think we're going to have a map editor within the game eventually
[15 Sep 05 21:07] * Rotonen * we'd need to uniform the npc and the player models too
[15 Sep 05 21:07] * Rotonen * now we have a random collection of stuff, imo
[15 Sep 05 21:07] * Crush * yes, indeed
[15 Sep 05 21:07] * Crush * the npcs all look completely different
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * Crush * as if they were put together from 10 different games
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * ElvenProgrammer * adapting the npcs is the least imo
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: what's that test thingy?
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * Rotonen * i think he's talking aobut a dynamical map editor
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * ElvenProgrammer * as everybody should know, the priority is on the new playerset
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * Talaroc * which is amusing in its own right, but yeah.  in any event, if someone did want to start adapting some of the npc's, the standing frames of my playerset /are/ done...
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * Rotonen * within the client, i mean
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * ElvenProgrammer looks toward Talaroc :P
[15 Sep 05 21:08] * Crush * i thought of a stand alone version of the tmw client which you can run locally and load any map you want to test it
[15 Sep 05 21:09] * Rotonen * well you CAN load any map on tmw :)
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * Talaroc * and, once i get photoshop installed again, it would take me perhaps ten minutes to concoct a "child standing" sprite, and perhaps a helf hour for a good "woman standing" sprite
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * ElvenProgrammer * just replace one of the current ones
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: get the male done first, so we can start putting it in the client and working on equipments
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * Rotonen * i think we could replace the player model in the cvs with the incomplete one
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * Rotonen * leave the old ones where there are no new ones
[15 Sep 05 21:10] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: not until we have a complete one
[15 Sep 05 21:11] * Rotonen * well in the cvs version
[15 Sep 05 21:11] * Rotonen * it doesn't mean that it has to be included in the releases
[15 Sep 05 21:11] * Rotonen * it's not that hard to replace one file for the release
[15 Sep 05 21:11] * ElvenProgrammer * it is better not to, imo, but i'm sure Talaroc will send us a preview of a complete one in a couple of days :P
[15 Sep 05 21:11] * Talaroc * that'd be...interesting.  oh, by the way, about the playerset: i was playtesting the other night (hooray for the new mac version!) and noticed that the character does some strange translations when going between standing and walking.  that'll be corrected when the new set is implimented, right?
[15 Sep 05 21:12] * Rotonen * well i think i can just do it myself for my client manually then .P
[15 Sep 05 21:12] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: sure you can ;P
[15 Sep 05 21:12] * Rotonen * but so far there is no work in progress replacement set, is there? :]
[15 Sep 05 21:12] * Rotonen * at least nothing is publically available
[15 Sep 05 21:12] * ElvenProgrammer * Talaroc: well the graphics engine still need lot of improvements, but i can promise that after the new playerset will be added things will go a lot better
[15 Sep 05 21:13] * Talaroc * ok.  i just find it odd that, when you start walking, the character slides forward a few pixels, then when you stop he slides back.
[15 Sep 05 21:13] * Rotonen * btw the point of these real time chattings is the effective exchange of opinions, one tends to become blind towards his/her own flaws :)
[15 Sep 05 21:13] * Talaroc * i'm perfectly aware of my flaws.  ;)
[15 Sep 05 21:13] * Crush * by the way: do you think about supporting animated map tiles?
[15 Sep 05 21:13] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: i don't have flaws
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: well of course
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * Rotonen * you study too much :)
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * Talaroc * geep!  and one of mine is i'm habitually late to class.  gotta go, talk to you all later.
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * Rotonen * well for example water won't really work if it's static.. :)
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: yeah i was thinking about leaving university and start making money exploiting tmw
[15 Sep 05 21:14] < Talaroc has left
[15 Sep 05 21:14] * Rotonen * so you finally found the loophole in gpl? :)
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: yep but don't tell anyone
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Crush * the loophole is quite obvious
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: did you create the preview using tiled?
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Crush * i wrote a thread about how to make money with tmw in the forum
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Rotonen * well i think we could go the star wars way: most of the star wars profits do not come from the movies, but from the accessories
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Crush * yes, i did
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: implement in cvs and warp me there ;D
[15 Sep 05 21:15] * Rotonen * too busy with physics to do it myself
[15 Sep 05 21:16] * Rotonen * it's not fun to do the physics which happen within a digital apparatus
[15 Sep 05 21:16] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: too busy with industrial electronics to do it
[15 Sep 05 21:16] * Rotonen * hmm, i guess we're basically studying the same thing in university :)
[15 Sep 05 21:16] * ElvenProgrammer * maybe
[15 Sep 05 21:17] * Rotonen * good to know i have a good resource if i need one :)
[15 Sep 05 21:17] * Rotonen * all of my books are now in english, i'm still not used to it
[15 Sep 05 21:17] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: anyway i'd like to ask you a complete preview of a map, so we can see what tiles are missing, first and then maybe we can start improving the current ones, i'm not satisfied completely yet
[15 Sep 05 21:17] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: mine are too
[15 Sep 05 21:17] * Crush * so you want me to make a complete map with the tiles?
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: that was kinda my point about you being a good referrence :P
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * Crush * no problem, i already made a complete test map
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * ElvenProgrammer * just a small map to test the tileset, but a complete working one
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * Rotonen * Crush: well it's the only way to see if they really work :)
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * Crush * i'll send it to you when i completed the mountains
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: i thought you could read english :P
[15 Sep 05 21:18] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: btw would your physics book be by adams and young? :]
[15 Sep 05 21:19] * ElvenProgrammer * Crush: great, it is nice to have you in our team
[15 Sep 05 21:19] * Rotonen * well the terms are quite different in finnish.. :)
[15 Sep 05 21:19] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: let me check it was 5 years ago
[15 Sep 05 21:19] * Rotonen * and my dictionaries don't cover scientific/technical english
[15 Sep 05 21:19] * Rotonen * so you don't study basic physics anymore -_-
[15 Sep 05 21:20] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: no only the first 2 years, anyway i guess my gf still owns my book
[15 Sep 05 21:21] * ElvenProgrammer * hmm since no other artists in here, have you got anything else to discuss?
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * Crush * no, i got nothing more
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * Rotonen * well about the generic style
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * m[a]tt * mh
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * m[a]tt * i want the som style.
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * Rotonen * it has to be set eventually
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * m[a]tt * and a car
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * m[a]tt * money
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * Rotonen * but how
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * m[a]tt * worldwide freedom
[15 Sep 05 21:22] ! Rotonen sets mode +m
[15 Sep 05 21:22] + Rotonen enables 'Voice' status for Crush
[15 Sep 05 21:22] * Crush * and i want a pony!!!!
[15 Sep 05 21:22] + Rotonen enables 'Voice' status for brower
[15 Sep 05 21:22] + Rotonen enables 'Voice' status for Mkael
[15 Sep 05 21:22] + Rotonen enables 'Voice' status for Modanung
[15 Sep 05 21:22] + Rotonen enables 'Op' status for MrLindeijer
[15 Sep 05 21:23] * ElvenProgrammer * m[a]tt: and you don't want voice
[15 Sep 05 21:23] * Rotonen * not in the mood today :)
[15 Sep 05 21:23] * Rotonen * what should we use as a solid referrence for the generic pixellation style?
[15 Sep 05 21:23] * ElvenProgrammer * i tryed to find a reference somewhere no success
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * ElvenProgrammer * and we should also add some license agreement post in the forum
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * Rotonen * i don't think our aimless wandering and experimenting is going to be too good on the long run
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * ElvenProgrammer * and we should talk about the event as well even though it was delayed because of the server downtime
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * Rotonen * "license agreement post" ?
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * Rotonen * for artists? :)
[15 Sep 05 21:24] * Rotonen * so what's the new event date ?
[15 Sep 05 21:25] * ElvenProgrammer *
[15 Sep 05 21:25] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: still to be defined
[15 Sep 05 21:26] * Rotonen * i think we should keep the liscensing issue on a personal level
[15 Sep 05 21:26] * Rotonen * we should actually more actively inform people about it
[15 Sep 05 21:26] * Rotonen * i've just assumed they're realizing they're contributing into a gpl'ed project
[15 Sep 05 21:26] * Crush * what? does that mean that you aren't going to pay me?
[15 Sep 05 21:26] * Crush * just kidding.
[15 Sep 05 21:27] * ElvenProgrammer * better to state it clearly before they call their lawyers
[15 Sep 05 21:27] * Rotonen * i doubt anyone would be that malicious
[15 Sep 05 21:27] * Rotonen * and i sincerely think we could settle the case by withdrawing the contributions and/or talking some sense into the person
[15 Sep 05 21:27] * Crush * oh, there are really evil people in this world...
[15 Sep 05 21:28] * Rotonen * but why would a malicious person contribute to tmw ?
[15 Sep 05 21:29] * Crush * just ask anyone whose graphics you upload to the cvs "you agree to put your work under the terms of the GPL, don't you?"
[15 Sep 05 21:29] * Crush * Rotonen: wait until we publish it and then sue us for copyright infrigment
[15 Sep 05 21:29] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: so should we just continue our brave expedition into the unknown and experiment more before discarding half of the stuff as "not our style"? :P
[15 Sep 05 21:30] * Rotonen * Crush: i don't think the problem will be us using the graphics if people have contributed them in the first place
[15 Sep 05 21:30] * Rotonen * i think the problem would be us giving free access to the art for everyone to use
[15 Sep 05 21:31] * Crush * yes, we could put something like that in the terms of use of the forum
[15 Sep 05 21:31] * Crush * a sentence like "all texts and graphics published on the forum fall automatically under the terms of the GPL"
[15 Sep 05 21:32] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: about the quest: place 10 npc around the maps, assign 2-3 different hints to every npc, then have one start npc in addition, then have each npc give a random hint out of the hint pool and when the player finds the next npc it gives the next random hint etc.. the quest would end on the... well.. 12th step? a cheap solution but would provide great variety
[15 Sep 05 21:32] * Rotonen * some players could even be frustrated about being bounced back and forth between 2 npc :)
[15 Sep 05 21:32] * Rotonen * so each quest would be of the relatively same difficulty level
[15 Sep 05 21:32] * Rotonen * but it would still be different for everyone
[15 Sep 05 21:33] * Rotonen * at least i would appreciate that as a player
[15 Sep 05 21:33] * Rotonen * so we just need a scripted counter per player for 10 different npc and a few different hints for the location of each npc
[15 Sep 05 21:34] * Rotonen * this would be a good time for elven to respond :P
[15 Sep 05 21:34] * Rotonen * Crush: no one reads it :)
[15 Sep 05 21:34] * Rotonen * i'm thinking about a failsafe place to put it, but i don't think there is one
[15 Sep 05 21:35] * Crush * but you can say later "you agreed to the terms, you cant complain now"
[15 Sep 05 21:36] * Crush * "when you don't read it its not my problem"
[15 Sep 05 21:36] * Rotonen * i don't want to be like that
[15 Sep 05 21:36] * Rotonen * it's an ethical question :)
[15 Sep 05 21:38] * Crush * then i think we should make clear that the copyright belongs to the author until it is uploaded to the cvs. and the artist is asked if he agrees to the terms of the gpl before his pictures are uploaded.
[15 Sep 05 21:39] * ElvenProgrammer * sorry i was helping my technology hater father
[15 Sep 05 21:39] * Rotonen * np
[15 Sep 05 21:39] * Rotonen * i'll be here for a long time tonight :)
[15 Sep 05 21:39] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: i agree with the idea, but we still need the hints and locations for the npcs
[15 Sep 05 21:42] * Rotonen * just lotto the locations
[15 Sep 05 21:42] * Rotonen * i can write the hints
[15 Sep 05 21:42] * ElvenProgrammer * lotto?
[15 Sep 05 21:43] * Rotonen * randomly place them
[15 Sep 05 21:43] * Rotonen * i thought lotto was from italy :)
[15 Sep 05 21:43] * ElvenProgrammer * well if you mean the game i guess so
[15 Sep 05 21:43] * Rotonen * but i guess one cannot use the noun as a verb in english, as one could in finnish :)
[15 Sep 05 21:43] * ElvenProgrammer * italian it's an old stupid language
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * Rotonen * "to lotto" = "to randomly fill a lotto coupon" => "to randomly place something"
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * Rotonen * that's my thought chain here
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * ElvenProgrammer * well one will be in the inn
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * Rotonen * but if you give me the locations (preferrably you export the .png out of the maps and put red numbers around), i can write the hints
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * ElvenProgrammer * a couple in the snake maps
[15 Sep 05 21:44] * Crush * lotto - the extra tax for people who are bad at math :)
[15 Sep 05 21:45] * Rotonen * since the exact location of an npc is quite crucial if one wants to give a few different hints about the same location :)
[15 Sep 05 21:46] * Rotonen * especially if there are multiple npc in the desert
[15 Sep 05 21:46] * Rotonen * i think there could also be a rule that if the player goes to a wrong npc 3 times, the quest is reset
[15 Sep 05 21:46] * Crush * and how do you want to explain that logically?
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Rotonen * if number_of_failures >=3 then quest_fail
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * ElvenProgrammer * well i think the location is a direct consequence of the hint...
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Crush * "you pissed me off, now i tell everyone that they don't talk with you again until you talked with the first guy"
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Crush * doesn't seem that logically to me
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Rotonen * Crush: it's just a game they're holding
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Rotonen * a local tradition
[15 Sep 05 21:47] * Rotonen * and three is the magical number, you know
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * Rotonen * just an idea, though'
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * Rotonen * i think it could be too annoying
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * Rotonen * and yeah, i can place the npc too
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * Rotonen * or should we partially use existing npc?
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * ElvenProgrammer * =)
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * ElvenProgrammer * maybe having new ones could be better
[15 Sep 05 21:49] * Rotonen * true
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * Rotonen * can i be kinda zen-buddhistic about the clues? :]
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * Rotonen * "where the snake kisses the sun"
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * Rotonen * of course i can be :)
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * ElvenProgrammer * Rotonen: do whatever you want, but do it ;P
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * Rotonen * since we have no competing volunteers, i can do whatever i want as long as i do it
[15 Sep 05 21:50] * Rotonen * damn you thought it faster :P
[15 Sep 05 21:51] * Rotonen * i'll treat myself 2 apples for that
[15 Sep 05 21:51] * Rotonen * btw is the arena accessible yet ?
[15 Sep 05 21:51] * ElvenProgrammer * not yet
[15 Sep 05 21:53] # The topic is 'The Mana World Art - When Art Meets Developers :) - WARNING: next artists meeting 15th Sep 19 GMT (Your presence is required!) - | voices can be requested from the ops (duh!)' (set by Rotonen)
[15 Sep 05 21:53] * Rotonen * we could have the last step warp you into the dungeon where the prize npc would be
[15 Sep 05 21:53] * Rotonen * that'd be a good treat for the players
[15 Sep 05 21:53] < Crush has left
[15 Sep 05 21:54] ! Rotonen sets mode -m
[15 Sep 05 21:54] * maci * i wonder where we should place the warp point at .. maybe a hole somehwere in the town.. 
[15 Sep 05 21:54] * maci * i mean for the arena
[15 Sep 05 21:55] * Rotonen * or an npc in the inn saying "we have this private lounge available for visitation in the cellar, would you like for me to escort you there? unfortunately it's still a secret, so i'll have to blindfold you"
[15 Sep 05 21:55] * ElvenProgrammer * we still miss the maps to do that
[15 Sep 05 21:55] * Rotonen * 5k / visit
[15 Sep 05 21:55] * Rotonen * ;D
[15 Sep 05 21:55] * Rotonen * "no right for refund"
[15 Sep 05 21:56] * ElvenProgrammer * oh sure this way is possible
[15 Sep 05 21:56] * ElvenProgrammer * warping to the arena it's possible but the arena it's really ugly
[15 Sep 05 21:56] * Rotonen * we should have more healthy ideas
[15 Sep 05 21:56] * Rotonen * but at least thhat idea is japanese indeed.. :)
[15 Sep 05 21:57] * ElvenProgrammer * yeah ;)
[15 Sep 05 21:57] * maci * Rotonen: an d for sure you should write those ideas down ;)
[15 Sep 05 21:57] * Rotonen * i think it'd be hilarious to pay a huge sum for seeing an ugly dungeon
[15 Sep 05 21:57] * Rotonen * maci: i've written my serious ideas down :)
[15 Sep 05 21:58] * m[a]tt * test
[15 Sep 05 21:58] * m[a]tt * indeed. <--ha i can say this now
[15 Sep 05 21:59] * m[a]tt * you have to scroll up to understand it
[15 Sep 05 21:59] * m[a]tt * :>
[15 Sep 05 22:01] * Rotonen * ElvenProgrammer: deadline?
[15 Sep 05 22:02] * m[a]tt * id like a deadzone better
[15 Sep 05 22:02] * ElvenProgrammer * a week from now?
[15 Sep 05 22:03] * Rotonen * should be manageable
[15 Sep 05 22:04] * ElvenProgrammer * hope so
[15 Sep 05 22:04] * Rotonen * dunno if i'll be going to kotka this weekend though
[15 Sep 05 22:04] * Rotonen * probably not
[15 Sep 05 22:04] * m[a]tt * a deadline for what?
[15 Sep 05 22:05] ! Rotonen sets mode +m
[15 Sep 05 22:05] * ElvenProgrammer * ghghgh