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This is a draft for a new magic system inspired by the real-time strategy game Populous 3 that is taken under consideration by Rotonen and me for the mana world.

(The recharge system of the available spells is from Populous 3, the system of available spells is made by Crush)

Recharge bar instead of magic points

There are no magic points. Instead of that every single spell has its own recharge bar. When a spell is cast its recharge bar has to be filled again before the spell can be cast again.

The character got a constant "mana flow" that recharges his spells. The intensity of this flow is mainly influenced by intelligence but other factors might influence it, too. The mana flow is divided evenly between all spells that are currently recharged. Recharge of each spell can be switched on and off by the player. That means the character may decide to deactivate the recharge of some spells to recharge others more quickly. Advanced spells require more mana flow points to recharge them than simple ones.

Characters can have the same spell multiple times allowing them to cast them multiple times in a row (see below for details) but only one of them can be recharged at the same time (very powerful spells should maybe have a short after cast delay time so that they can't be spammed too fast).

Available spells

The spells that are available to a character depend on the spells he has learned, his skill levels in the magic disciplines of these spells and the magic runes written on his currently worn equipment.

Learning spells

Before a character may use a spell he has to learn it first by reading a magic scroll that contains the instructions for the spell. Magic scrolls turn to dust after they have been read once. People who have not reached the minimal skill level for the spell can not read them. Magic scrolls can be bought in shops, obtained through quests or found from monsters.

Maximum number of the same spell

When the character has just about the minimum skill level to use a spell he may have one charge of this spell. When he reached the double skill level he may have a 2nd charge, 3 charges at tripple skill level and so on.

Maximum number of charges = current_skill_level / minimum_skill_level


The spells that are available for the character at the moment depend on the magic runes that are written on /engraved in its currently worn equipment.

All equipment for spellcasters (and maybe some non-spellcaster equipment) has rune slots. These slots can be engraved with spell runes. There is a spell rune for every spell ingame. Runes of advanced spells fill multiple rune slots in the same equipment piece. Each spell rune holds one charge of its spell.

When the character wears runes for spells he is not allowed to have those runes are ignored.

Characters can theoretically extend their spell palette by carrying multiple equipment pieces with different runes in their inventory and switch them. But when an equipment piece is taken off all its slots are uncharged.

To write runes on a piece of equipment one needs the "runewriting" crafting skill and needs to learn the spell from a scroll beforehand. The success chance depends on the minimum skill level of the spell in its discipline and the runewriting skill of the crafter. When the runewriting fails the equipment piece might be destroyed.


When a character wants to have 3 charges of a fireball spell that requires skill level 10 he needs:

  • Learning the fireball spell from a fireball scroll
  • Fire magic skill level 30
  • 3 fireball runes written on equipment pieces he is wearing

Damage calculation

The damage of spells and the success rate of spells that can fail depend on the characters willpower and skill level in the magic discipline of the spell and the targets willpower.


there is a bar of spell icons at the edge of the screen.

The background of each spell icon doubles as a progress bar. The color of the icon itself indicates the element of the spell and the charge level. When the color of the icon itself is bright, recharge is activated. When the color is dark, recharge is deactivated. When a spell is fully charged and ready for use it is indicated by a particle effect on the icon.

Spell icons of the same spell are grouped in one frame and sorted by recharge level. Their charge activation status of spells it the whole group is linked although only one spell is recharged at the same time.


Left-click on a spell icon uses the spell, right-click activates/deactivates its recharge.
One button opens a spell ring menu to select a spell. Another press of this button uses the selected spell. Another button activates/deactivates the recharge of this spell. A 3rd button closes the menu without casting a spell.

Need to create a mockup