Temple of Fire
Time of Construction: Ancient human, after the creation of the human females http://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Backstory#the_Age_of_Ancient_Mankind
Purpose: this temple was build to say thank you to the gods because such a wonderful gift.
Construction Materials: sand stone, wood, precious metals
Magic: door seals, torches, labyrinth randomization, npc's http://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Backstory#The_New_World
Temple main guards: Snakes
Temple most feared Monster: Khepera
Temple zones:
1. Desert to temple zone
2. The Tower and the abyss
3. The pre-entrance
4. The Temple Entrance
5. The Secret Entrance
6. The Labyrinth
7. Sacrifice Chamber
8. Dark Chamber (Moon Chamber)
9. Gift Chamber (Chest Chamber)
10. Magic Chamber
11. Snake Chamber
12. Khepera Chamber
The Temple in the first days (http://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Backstory#the_Creation_of_Man) was a very busy place, all the ancient humans wanted to offer gifts to the gods, the temple had all the doors open and nobody dare even to think on doing anything improper in the temple zones, this temple together with others temples were considered holy places.
During the gods rage (awakening) when humans found this rare place (they forgot the purpose of the temple and they didn't understand the symbols in the walls and floors), they had many thoughts about the origin of this place but two of the theories were completely contraries, the first one said it was a adoration temple and they should follow doing the same and restore it, cleaning from monsters and ask for gods forgiveness, and the second one was about the temple was god's actual home (nobody knows the exact location where the gods are now) but the gods use it to kill humans (because the presence of the monsters inside) and they put the monsters as guardians so they must destroy the whole temple, so a battle did take place between them.
The defenders of the temple were called "trozees" (Means the people who defend) and the people agianst them were called "Mavoglers" (Means temple destroyers), the defenders builded towers to protect the temple preentrance, used Mana (magic) to seal the doors (but their magic skill was poor so the spell lasted for short periods of time) and they were mostly archers so they install big crossbows at the top of the towers to reach theirs enemys at distance.
Many battles had take place in the temple preentrance, and by turns had been winners and losers but this just started new battles again.
The badoglers were sword, spear, and melee warriors but they study the archers art and some of them reached a proficient level.
Now the temple is not guarded but is not menaced either because the humans after all those wars and battles they forgot why they were fighting against each other and now http://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Backstory#the_Great_Conflict just a few scouts or adventures take the risk to try to get in to the temple, some of them motivated by stories of great treasures hidden in the temple, others by the simple fact of defeat every single danger inside or any other reason.
The remaining magic is still there in the tower door seal and the magic torches. Also the big crossbows and all the monsters, now worse than ever because the trozees are not cleanning the temple interiors anymore, so they are big in number, some of them attack in groups and others attack from the air.