From The Mana World
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This document is all about balancing equipment, so that no item gets too powerful or too scary. I encourage you to read and understand this document before adding equipment to the master equipment list.

1. All Equipment has a level. The equipment's level, like all item levels, describes it's rarity and the level of crafting skills required to build it. Adding bonuses to he equipment raises its level, while adding flaws can reduce it's level.

2. While there is no level cap on crafting skills, the following chart should be taken seriously regarding assigning levels to an item. No one is going to get a craft skill to level 1000, so a level 1000 equipment will never appear in the game, even if you create it. I encourage you not to do this. Level 150 is a practical cap for item creation.

3. Use the format outlined in the master list for outlining your items. Failing to do this just makes it tougher for me to sort out your ideas, and may result in them being misinterpreted.

4. Define a composition for your items. Tell what skills are used to make them and what generic items (materials) are needed. If you want to use a basic material that is not in the generic item table please add it (GenericItems).

Table A: Bonuses

Bonus types:

  • ATP, MATP - attack power and magic attack power. Raises the base damage done by attacks.
  • ARM, MARM - armor and magic armor. Raises magic and physical attack damage soak
  • HP, MP - raises the player's HP and MP totals
  • Skill - buffs the player's skill by an amount
  • Growth Rate - affects the rate at which a skill grows

bonus level+ ATP & MATP ARM & MARM HP & MP skills growth rate
Weak +1 10 5 20 1 --
Average +5 20 10 40 2 --
Powerful +20 50 25 80 3 1.5
Unbelievable +50 100 50 160 5 --
Legendary +100 200 100 250 7 2

Table B: Flaws

Flaws balance an armors properties by giving them certain limits. Attributes can be sealed below a certain skill level, or above a certain skill level. An armor can be impossible to use at all without certain skills.

  • Level Seal - The item cannot be used unless the skill is at the specified level.
    -1 item level per level of the skill needed.
  • Level Retriction - The property does not appear unless the specified skill is at a high enough level. -1 for every 2 levels needed.
  • Level Cap - The property does not appear unless the specified skill is below a certain level. -1 for every 4 levels disallowed (starting with the price of the attribute that is raised)(ie: with a level 20 attribute available only below level 8, you get 3 points off, making a level 17 item).

debuffs level- ATP & MATP ARM & MARM HP & MP skills growth rate
Restrictive +1 -10 -5 -20 -1 --
Flawed +5 -20 -10 -50 2 0.5
Difficult +20 -50 -25 -100 -3 0
Fatally Flawed +50 -100 -50 -200 -5 --
Cursed +100 -200 -100 -400 -7 --