From The Mana World
Revision as of 06:19, 4 February 2007 by Dabe (talk | contribs)


I left the "Creatures" page with a yellow concept status because it still conforms with our going plan. It will act as our roadmap for race design/implementation. Please try to be patient and not get too frustrated that I'm moving things around and seemingly removing data. I am taking everything that I am touching in to strong consideration, before doing anything.


My stupid connection has been timing out over and over again, since last night; I'm not even bothering with IRC until it stops acting up. Hopefully when I awake tomorrow to keep updating stuff, it will be better and I can actually drop in like I'm supposed to.


I'll remove this lump of discussion tomorrow. Also tomorrow, I will be cleaning up the Geography page and temporarily (indefinitely?) eliminating the Organizations page. After that, I will begin to make necessary changes to the Backstory, in order to make it more consistent and readable. Pajarico recently brought up the claim that the backstory inspires too many perspectives from a single tale, to which I could not agree more. At some point after finishing the minor changes to the backstory, I would like to add some concept art to set a few things in stone, but this will probably end up being done much later, since I still have to actually continue working on the timeline and history AFTER what is currently written.

No need to respond either, just letting everyone know what's up.

Dabe 07:19, 4 February 2007 (CET)