From The Mana World
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In addition to the kingdoms there are some independent organisations with noticable influence.

Every organisation has a headquarter and many smaller departments all around the world. Players can become members of these organisation. The requirements to become a member vary from organisation to organisation. A player who is a member of an organisation gains various benefits like discount on items sold by the organisation or access to special quests but gains disadvantages when dealing with opposing organisations.

List of organisations

Magic Academy

The magicans of the magic academy dedicate their life to the research of magic. They help everyone who is interested in magic to develop his/her magical skills.

Warrior Guild

The members of the warrior guild are training every day to become the strongest warriors in the world. They are the top authority in the development of new fighting techniques and in weapon research. They also teach young adventurers the basics of fighting.

Order of the Mana Knights

A knight order fighting against evil and mischief. It tries to stay political neutral but it is involved into political affairs more often then it would like to. It is very difficult to become a member.

Redstone Consortium

A merchant guild competing with the Abbana Merchant Association over the control of the world economy.

Abbana Merchant Association

A merchant guild competing with the Redstone Consortium over the control of the world economy.

The free Traders

Loose organisation of merchants who are against global cartels.

The Church of the Elder Gods

The members of this religious organisation are worshipping the elder gods. They oppose the cult of the demons.

The Cult of the Demons

These people believe that helping the demons to overcome the world will result in a peaceful and prosperous life for everyone (or at least for those who helped them). They are the enemies of the church of the elder gods.

The Geomancers

Magicans researching streams of mana energy and running a teleportation business. See Teleportation.

The Druids

An organisation of magicans who try to live in harmony with the mana instead of manipulating it. The most harsh critics of the geomancers.