Description (perspective of a Gaean)
The name Gaea's Hearth means "(Grand)Mother of Earth's Firepit". The people who live here are called "Gaeans". Because this area is blossoming with emmense life, it is also referred to as the "Verdant Overgrowth" by Sunwalkers. The name Verdant Overgrowth actually refers to the top layer of Gaea's Hearth that leaves all the towns and households in a constant beautiful weatherless night. The Verdant Overgrowth is unexplored and assumed to not have any distinctive lifeforms. Our culture in the area is known as the "Sect of the Abandoned Sun", and we are proud of having grown beyond the archaic dependancy of the Sun. The reasoning behind the emmense spurt of life is because of the rivers of Mana. Our magic users have learned beyond the use of Mana, and experience a symbiotic relationship with it. Sunwalker "mages" think they can just come here and take our mana, but we give them the strict test of Symbiosis, and most fail.
Description (perspective of a "Sunwalker")
The area is a large jungle completely infested with plants and creatures that are not in the least considered hospitable. It's called the "Verdant Overgrowth", though it's been referred to as "Gaea's Hearth". Throughout centuries the area was just left uncivilized, and people started living there. Those people are called Gaeans. The religion they have is bogus because all it does is talk about how they're holier than everyone else just because they had the unfortunate pleasure of being forced to live in darkness. I've heard of great magic users going there to study, only to be told they know nothing about magic and forced to leave.
The Sect of the Abandoned Sun (perspective of a Gaean)
The Sun rose. The Sun set. Those that lived by the chains of the Sun suffered weather, and constriction. You are free from the Gods choosing when you have your food. Blessed are those who understand the meaning of true freedom for life. Book of Solaris Aversus, lines 01:01-05
The Sect of the Abandoned Sun is more than a story of freedom, it is a symbol of Freedom and an understanding of the Earth. The Sun was needed of course, but now the Earth is evolving into a state of self conservation.
Like the fathers of Gaea's children, you must move on to indepencency; to a world that marks one true of age. Book of Solaris Aversus, line 12:43
With an empowered ability to produce mana from the core of the Earth, we are now shedding the need for the Sun; and hope that one day all of the Earth will be blessed by a Verdant Overgrowth.
Terminology (Objective Fact)
Sunwalker: The term Gaeans use to describe those who do not live in Gaea's Hearth.
Verdant Overgrowth: The name of the layer of plants and vegitation that covers Gaea's Hearth rendering it in a weatherless darkness. Some have mistaken this as the name for the entirety of the area.