This is the wiki version of [Essential Warrior Stats Mana-ual] converted by User:Livio. Its content is reported here as it's written by Marius.
NOTE: after a bunch of text, the actual listing of stats by level and function starts. If you want to skip ahead, be my guest!
These stats are meant for "warriors only". My aim is to provide the most efficient (fastest) stats so the warrior can make best time in leveling up a new alternate (alt) character. Also, the stats are not necessarily the best for new players because they mostly assume a fully armored alt from level 1, and that the player has many items in storage from which to draw for quickly completing quests for experience points (exp) and money (GP).
This is the work of many year's experiences and remains a work in progress. I am only attempting to provide the best of what I currently have. I am constantly updating stats as I find better combinations for specific purposes. If you are not an experienced warrior, then these stats, even the older, not the best I can do stats, are probably better than what you could come up with on your own. They reflect years of experience, up close and personal, with every monster, from a warrior perspective. So, you can trust my judgement as a good starting point for your own warrior stats.
I will include my best tips and rules-of-thumb to help others better understand how the many stats interact with each other, and how the best balance between them may be found for the warrior. I have NOT rummaged through the source code to find how the calculations are actually made, and the stats are used. This document is a result of over a decade of playing "The Mana World" (TMW), experimenting with combinations, and researching performance using the somewhat useful "kill stats". This reflects my own style of play - I don't like to hit slowly as it bores me, even if hitting more slowly is actually more time-efficient - I have to ENJOY playing to stay interested, don't I? You may have a different style of playing TMW. I do not have full use of my hands due to medical reasons, so lots of moving around and key presses is harder for me. As a result, I tend to play more conservatively, with better health and protection, which reduces how fast and hard I can hit. This is why I play almost exclusively as a warrior, instead of archer, or mage. I do include some more aggressive stats as well.
I do not claim that these are the "best" stats by any means. If you find better, let all of us benefit by replying below (NO flame wars, please. Only polite sharing of your experiences with stats. No two people are going to agree on what is "best". It is a somewhat personal thing with stats). I do claim that these stats are reasonable for the given purposes, and will not totally disappoint you if used. Use these as a basis for modification based on your purpose, style of play, and equipment you have to use.
In the higher levels, I have pushed hit speed and strength as high as possible, at the expense of health. When archers or mages come to battle with me, they tend to think I am a "tank" and can withstand many monsters attacking me simultaneously. This is not usually the case, which inevitably leads to my death. In solitary play, I carefully pick off one monster at a time, with the ability to withstand two, and momentarily three, but no more. Since archers and mages are in constant motion, they easily attract a large mob of beasties, which they are accustomed to fighting, but which, unfortunately, leads to my downfall. This is something archers and mages should be aware of when fighting with warriors - let the warrior attract the monsters they are able to fight reasonably (yes, this takes some patience, which archers/mages do not always possess - they usually just want to "get on with it"). The exception is when a warrior is purposely built as a "tank", in which case they have great health, and can withstand a number of monsters at the same time without dying. A tank sacrifices the ability to hit really hard and fast, for the sake of staying alive to aid others. They do this by attracting the monsters that are not currently being attacked by archers or mages. Sometimes they will also chase, and then hold (by attacking) an errant monster in one place so the archers and mages spend less time running to keep their distance.
These stats are not set up for a tank warrior, they are for the fastest possible leveling for a solitary warrior. If I include any tank stats, they will be marked as such (yes, I have not actually done the editing of my stats, yet).
I will not say much about quests other than a few comments. The stats themselves are more than enough for one post!
Here is my take on the major stats. The text is mostly taken from the TMW web site, to which I have added a few clarifications, to help myself understand their individual functions and interactions better:
(All my own understanding. I found nothing to explain what they mean on the TMW site)
Attack | Raised by STR, plus the base damage of the individual weapon. |
Defense | Raised by VIT, plus the defense of your armor. |
Magical Attack | only mages care about this, and I am NOT one (mostly). |
Magical Defense | see previous ^^^ |
% Accuracy | DEX adds to accuracy, which reduces the amount of misses you make, BUT misses are
also affected by your level! You can raise DEX to maximum, but you will still miss if your level is too low, or the general defense of the monster (monster's level, LUCK, and DEX) you are fighting is very high. It is tempting to raise DEX to prevent misses, but you may be disappointed when the misses do not go away. I have found that DEX greater than 65 does not provide much additional improvement, and is a waste of good points. |
% Evade | Raised by AGI. Affects how well you can avoid being hit by monsters (monster misses). |
% Critical | Raise by LUCK, and less by DEX. Affects how many of YOUR hits to monsters are
critical hits. A "critical" hit has the value of the "Attack" extended stat. % Critical has nothing to with how many critical hits you receive - THAT depends on the "monster's" % critical hits, level, DEX, LUCK, etc. |
Attack Delay | Lowered by AGI, affected by Speed Skill. Affects how fast you hit - the lower, the better. |
Walk Delay | Lowered by AGI, affected by Speed Skill. Affects how fast you walk - the lower, the better. |
Damage per second (DPS) | this is an ESTIMATE of how much average damage you will do to some
"normalized" monster per second. It gives a decent idea of the worth of a specific set of stats, but only for no skill, or the Speed skill. Its usefulness is reduced if Raging skill is used. The "damage" per second is NOT the same as EXP per second. Damage affects how fast you will kill monsters, but the EXP you receive is totally seperate, affected solely by the monster being killed. How much "average" damage you do to monsters is affected by your level, weapon, type of monster, stats, etc. |
Affects how hard your weapon hits; modified by various factors such as bull helmet,
individual monster stats, the base damage and speed of the specific weapon, and the
randomness inherent in each individual hit.
Affects your ability to carry weight.
Each point adds 30 to carrying capacity (weight capacity)
Each point adds 1 to Attack (Max hit and critical hit value)
Each 10 points adds a bonus to Attack (Max hit and critical hit value)
(Attack only applies to melee weapon hit strength, not missile weapons?)
Each 5 points adds 1 to the base damage of any missile weapon (bow, slingshot)
STR missile weapon bonus every 5 points.
STR melee (warrior) weapon bonus every 10 points.
STR needs to be at least 70 (NOT 69+1) for Bull Helmet
Raises attack speed (always), and walk speed (speed skill only).
Reduces the hits received (increases how often a monster misses the warrior),
Each point adds 1 to flee/evade (misses, %evade?).
Each point adds 1 to attack speed (how fast hits happen, always at a constant rate given the
level, equipment, and stat choices by reducing attack delay)
Attack speed is affected by the attack speed of the weapon used.
Attack speed and walk speed also affected by Speed Skill.
AGI should be as high as possible for attack speed and evading monster hits
AGI bonus every 5 points? NO, I don't think so, but...who knows?
Affects your total ability to withstand hits (raises max HP (Health Points))
Affects the rate at which you recover that ability after damage (HP recovery)
Affects your level of immunity/susceptibility to poison.
Each point adds 1% to max HP
Each point adds 1 to total Defense (reduces monster damage)
Each point increases the effect of healing items
Each 5 points either increases, or gives bonus to, HP recovery rate.
(not sure if recovery rate is affected by each point, or only every 5 points)
IF (VIT + (LUCK/3)) is 97 or greater, you are immune to poison.
VIT bonus every 5 points.
VIT needs to be at least 50 (NOT 49+1) for Bull Helmet
Only affects magical abilities, except for certain potion-making warrior-related activities.
A warrior MAY want to raise INT temporarily when brewing healing potions or Monster Oil with
Caul, or for certain other quests. This information can be found in the text related to
individual quests on the TMW web site.
Reduces misses made by you when attacking monsters
Raises the base damage of all weapons
Raises the speed of weapons, which affects total attack speed
Raises the %critical hit rate made against monsters
Raises melee weapon (%accuracy), minimum damage per hit, up to the attack value
of the melee weapon used.
Each point adds 1 to the minimum damage (%accuracy?) up to the attack value of
the melee weapon. I am not sure what this means - I only see it adding to % Accuracy.
Each point adds to the attack speed, affected by the weapon attack speed
(missile weapons only?)
Each point adds something to the chance of making a critical hit on a monster
Each 10 points adds a bonus for missile weapons. There are certain cases where a warrior
may want to use a bow - without actually stating as an archer.
Each 5 points adds 1 to the base damage of melee (warrior) weapons.
DEX bonus every 5 points.
Speed Skill: aim for DEX of at least 50 to avoid too many misses from lowering your killing
Raging Skill: aim for DEX of at least 40. I use DEX 45, sometimes 50 for added smoothness
and efficiency, when I can afford the points.
Each point raises the chance of making a critical hit on a monster (% Critical),
Each point reduces the chance of receiving a critical hit,
Each point increases the chance of a "lucky" dodge (in addition to % Evade misses),
Each 5 points adds 1 to the base damage of any weapon.
IF (VIT + (LUCK/3)) is 97 or greater, you are immune to poison.
LUCK bonus every 5 points.
LUCK should be at least 50 to avoid critical hits from Lady Skeletons (and all lower monsters),
63 to avoid most (65 better, or 66 for ALL) critical hits from Skeletons and Wights, and 70 or
even 75 to avoid "most", but never ALL, critical hits from Red Bones.
LUCK needs to be at least 50 (NOT 49+1) for Bull Helmet