From The Mana World
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This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.



Mirak loves to read. He has situated himself in the Woodlands, far North of Hurnscald, and he loves to be alone. In fact, he has quite an impatient and angry disposition.


Land: Argaes

Locality: Hurnscald

Map Name: Mirak's House

Map Number: 056-2

Coordinates: 67 24

How to get there

  1. From the Soul Menhir in Hurnscald, head West.
  2. Once you reach the bridge crossing the river, head North up the stone path.
  3. At the T intersection, head East.
  4. Stay on the path until you are again heading East (the road winds), and you see a dirt track heading South. Don't go down there, but that is the Old Wizard's residence.
  5. From the Old Wizard's residence, continue along the path until you see a fork in the road. Take the East path.
  6. Continue along the path, past where Sagatha is, and into the next portal.
  7. As you continue East, you will see a track heading North. Follow this, and enter the next portal.
  8. Once you have entered this portal, there is a building to the West, just after the bend. Work your way through the trees to the residence and enter.
  9. Work your way through the rooms, ensuring you read the Note and the Warning, and then you will see Mirak sitting at his desk.


Other Details

See Also: