This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal
This article is for reference purpose
The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.
General Information
There is a warning Sign located at the entrance to the Graveyard. It would be wise to read it considering where you are going.
Land: Argaes
Locality: Asphodel Moor
Map Name: Asphodel Moor
Map Number: 026-1
Coordinates: 64 17
How to get there
- From Hurnscald Town Centre, head South, and continue following the cobblestone path all the way round to the West.
- Continue West on the path until it becomes dirt.
- Continue Westward until you come to a patch of purple flowers on the South side, and a raised land island on the North side. Head Southwest diagonally through the flowers, and continue that direction through the trees until you reach a path near Dimond's Cove.
- Head South over the bridge, and take the little track, continuing Southward.
- At the fork, take the West path, not the East one, and you will see a cutting through the trees. Head Northwest through this cutting until you see Rossy.
- At [[[Legacy:Rossy|Rossy]], head Southwest through the break, and continue on that trajectory until you reach where the river and path meet. Watch out for Grass Snakes!!!
- Head West through the trees, with an ever-slightly Southerly descent until you reach the path.
- You should now be in the next map, Asphodel Moor, and the Grass Snakes are no longer going to bother you.
- Work your way North-northwest, past a tree that is twice as tall as the other trees, towards where a broken fence sits.
- Continue working your way to the West, past the swamps, and head for the path.
- At the path, head North, and you will see the two Signs.
- None
Other Details
See Also: Navigation