This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal
This article is for reference purpose
The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.
Darug sits with his tribe, and has information regarding the history of his tribe. While in the Desert Mountains completing whatever it is you're achieving, have a conversation with him to understand why they are there.
How to get there
- Travel South from the Tulimshar Ferry, all the way to the Sandstorm Desert, just past Lieutenant Dausen.
- Head SouthEast, until you reach Stewen, who guards the entrance, and then enter the portal there.
- Head South, and then take the next South exit, and head East. You will come to the first exit which is facing North. Enter there.
- Travel North and Eastwards, around the rocks to the next Northerly exit. Enter it.
- From this map go straight through to the exit Northerly from there. Here you can refresh your health or other points if you need to. You will notice that there is only one other exit. Take that one.
- From this point, head West. Take the Southern path around, and head back up with it, and you will see an island of rock, with an exit point in it. Take this point.
- Follow this path down to the South, avoiding the many Mountain Snakes, and head West to the next entry point. Enter there.
- Follow this cave to the end, in a Northerly fashion. There is once again only one exit, and many Snakes. Take the exit.
- Enjoy some peace! You made it past the snakes. You are now in the vicinity of Pachua and his Tribe. Feel free to look around safely. There are two caves that lead to Pachua's Tribe, and the far West cave winds around to Pachua.
- Be sure to talk to Rhutan the Traveler while you are there, so you can portal back whenever you need to.
- Take either of the caves to the North to get to Pachua's tribe, and go to the Northeast corner of the caves, and you will find Darug sitting there.
- None