From The Mana World
Education: Higher Technical College of Engineering (Faculty of Data Processing and Business Administration). Currently I'm a computer science student
Sparetime: n/a
- C# (3+ years)
- PHP (5+ years)
- mySql (3+ years)
- a little bit, Tao.Sdl, Tao.OpenGl and Mono
- C/C++ console-only (about 2+ years but I have nearly forgotten everything) :(
Contributed stuff:
- TMW Video-Footage#1 (Final) YouTube | Google | Rapidshare (best quality)
- TMW Video-Footage#1 (Test) Google | Rapidshare (best quality)
- PHP Script to view TMW-Maps online TMW Maps
- Mountain-Map (not used yet) Download | Screenshot
World Map v2005.12.26 by Peacemaker (based on a sketch by Kyokai)
--Peacemaker 09:25, 9 November 2006 (CET)