From The Mana World
Revision as of 00:10, 25 June 2020 by Aeuda (talk | contribs)

Plays TheManaWorld :) And wants to edit the wiki and change all the wrong stuff to the right stuff because that's what good samaritans do!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet sapien sit amet tortor malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum sapien metus, pulvinar in mauris sit amet, porttitor rutrum lorem. Proin tempor, ante vel rutrum lacinia, felis arcu ullamcorper lectus, vitae elementum arcu risus fringilla ligula. Integer commodo felis mi, vel sagittis.

Useful links I'm too lazy to bookmark for myself

Here is my to-do List (unordered):

  • complain to someone that there are two different 'Wiki Home' links on the left hand nav-bar.
  • edit races lore to remove notions of sex and gender, and add third body-type.
  • The updater for Items and mobs is [here] I dunno If anybody's ever run it though. . .
  • current monster master page is [[1]]
  • scour the source and write pages for NPC's and quests.

Daily Quests

Daily quests are character related so you can do other quest with other alts as well. Some regular quests (like Cindy's one) can even make you gain additional daily Points.

Level Required Daily Quest Name of the needed item Number of the needed item Daily Points cost Money Experience Money/ d. p. Exp./d. p.
10 Imec's Stingers Scorpion Stingers 6 3 200 40 66.66 13.33