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< User:Hocus
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Spell Ideas


The caster instantly changes place with the selected mob to get out of dangerous situations or move through dangerous areas. The better the mage is the greater the distance. If the spell fails it will draw the attention of the surrounding mobs and make them aggro (like itenplz).

Mind Control

The caster controls the mind of the selected mob and can control it (let it fight etc.). As the spell requires lot of concentration the caster cannot move or evade attacks and therefor is very vulnerable. If he gets attacked (or if the influenced mob dies) he will be thrown back into his own body and is paralyzed for a short amount of time. The controlled mob will be aggro at the caster after the spell.

Monster Whisperer

For a short amount of time mobs will not be aggro at the caster and will stop attack him.


Summoning needs a major overhaul. Instead of summon more mobs at the same time different single mobs with real benefits and different characteristics would be nice. Maybe to summon a mob one needs to study this mob before (see "Study Spell")


Studies the targeted mob. Some spells and skills (e.g. summoning) require a certain amount of study points on certain mobs.