Please refer to The Constitution for more imperative and up-to-date information about how TMW Team operates and who are their members.
This page may be outdated, beware.
Username(s) | Titles | Roles | Location |
4144 | Senior Developer | Client Development, Server Administrator | - |
Freeyorp | Senior Developer | Server Administrator, Leader Administrator | New Zealand |
WildX | Developer | Forum/Wiki Administrator, Community Manager, Treasurer, Lore Writing | United Kingdom |
Gumi (Mekolat, Meko) | Developer | Programming, Scripting, Mapping, Server Administrator | Canada |
Jesusalva | Developer | Scripting, Programming, Server Administrator | Brazil |
EJlol | Developer | Graphics Reviewer, Quality Control | The Netherlands |
Micksha | Developer | Client Data Lead | - |
toams | Developer | Scripting | - |
Tezer | Developer | Mapping | United Kingdom |
monwarez | Developer | ? | - |
Ledmitz | Developer | SFX | Canada |
Chicka-Maria (Yubaba) | Developer | Canada | |
Prsm | Game Master | GM | Canada |
Kytty | Game Master | GM | Mexico |
Veryape | Game Master | GM, Game Administrator | Sweden |
Mas886 (Octer) | Game Master | GM | Spain (Catalonia) |
Forum group for current members of The Mana World Team.
The Forums contains much more up-to-date information than this wiki page.
Structure and Roles
- The purpose of the The Mana World Team (TMWT) is to make or delegate decisions regarding the running of The Mana World.
Advisers are former members of TMWT (or former TMWC or GHP), who maintain an advisor role to offer insight, advice and/or periodic assistance with game decisions and development. Advisers are not part of TMWT, but they often work closely with the team and are granted special access or privileges to help with the project when needed.
Username(s) | Former Position | Advisers & Former Roles | |
ElvenProgrammer | Project Founder | Adviser | |
Rotonen | Developer | Adviser | |
Bjørn | Developer | Adviser | |
Irukad | Developer | Adviser | |
Crush | Developer, Forum Administrator | Adviser | |
Jaxad0127 | Developer, Server Administrator | Adviser | |
Wombat | Developer | Adviser | |
Freeyorp101 | Developer, Server Administrator | Adviser, Server Administrator | |
AnonDuck (Slicer) | Developer, Server Administrator | Adviser, Server Administrator | |
Tiana | Game Master | Adviser | USA |
Narus | Game Master | Adviser | |
Big Crunch | Game Master | Adviser | USA |
Alons | Game Master | Adviser | |
Silent Dawn | Game Master | Adviser | Portugal |
Jenalya | Developer, Server Administrator | Adviser | |
V0id | Developer | Adviser, scripting, mapping, quest writing | France |
tux9th | Developer | Adviser | |
Cassy | Developer, Forum Administrator, Wiki Admin | Adviser | Germany |
Alige | Developer | Pixel Art, Mapping, Scripting | France |
Chicka-Maria (Yubaba) | Developer | Music & SFX, Sound Quality Control, Mapping, Writing, Art | Canada |
Omatt | Developer | Scripting | France |
NitayandaGM | Game Master | GM | Israel |
MrGrey | Game Master | GM, Eye candy | Canada |
Reid | Senior Developer | Pixel Art, Scripting, Mapping, Concepts | France |
Wushin | Senior Developer | Server Administrator, Forum Admin, Wiki Admin, Programming, Pixel Art, Mapping, Scripting | USA (Midwest) |
This group includes all past and present conributors to the project. From testers to former Developers. People who help with the project casually are also listed here.
The list can be found at Dev:Contributors but may be incomplete. A more easily maintained and accurate list can be found at