This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal
ID: 1037
Strength | 0 |
Agility | 0 |
Vitality | 0 |
Intelligence | 0 |
Dexterity | 0 |
Luck | 0 |
May mutate 2 attributes up to 40%.
Attack | N/A |
Range | N/A |
Health Points | 1 |
Physical Resistance | 0%% |
Magical Resistance | 5%% |
Experience | 1 |
Job Experience | 1 |
Monster Points | 0 |
Clover Patches can be found in grassy areas around Hurnscald. They can be killed by just a punch and they can drop a rare Four-Leaf Clover. Because of this, if you ever come across one, it is a good idea to attack it.
Clover Patches and Four-Leaf Clovers are not used in any quests.
A Clover Patch has a small (0.05%) chance of dropping a Four-Leaf Clover. It can be equipped in the Charms slot of your equipment, and it gives the following bonuses: Luck +1 M. Attack +5
A Four-Leaf Clover can be sold to an NPC shop for 5,000 GP, but because of how rare they are, they are often sold between players and using ManaMarket for between 100 000 and 200 000 GP!