From The Mana World
Revision as of 20:21, 16 October 2019 by Jesusalva (talk | contribs) (Jesusalva moved page Donations to The Mana World:Donations)

The Mana World Donations

The Mana World operates as a non-profit as part of its membership in Software in the Public Interest (SPI).

SPI qualifies as a domestic public charity for purposes of US tax law. Many US taxpayers can receive a tax deduction for their donations to SPI. As a US non-profit, SPI is unable to provide donation tax benefits under non-US tax systems, with limited treaty-based exceptions for Canadian, Mexican, and Israeli taxpayers who have US source income.

All transaction costs (such as the fees charged to process credit cards and wire transfers) are deducted from the contribution. 5% of the remainder is deducted for SPI overhead. The remaining money is held by SPI on behalf of The Mana World. Once held by SPI, funds may only be transferred to another 501(c)3 US non-profit with a compatible purpose. Examples of such non-profits include the Apache Software Foundation, the Software Freedom Conservancy, and the Free Software Foundation.

Since The Mana World currently has no operating costs whatsoever, please consider donating directly to SPI, which will in turn re-distribute your donations among sister projects, where most needed.

Treasurer's Report

Recent and old reports can be found On this Thread.

Your donations are anonymous and your name, address or other personal details will never be published.

Paying the bills

  • Hosting ($0)
    • Microsoft Azure sponsorship ($0)
  • SSL certificate & Domain name ($0)
    • SPI is the Registrar & DNS host ($0)
    • SSL is via Let's Encrypt ($0).

Carry the Balance

  • Rainy Day fund to ensure the future of TMW.
  • Funds can be used at TMWC discretion (Vote Required).
  • Funds may be distributed to other SPI member projects, where most needed.

Donation Options

SPI can accept donations for the project in three ways: checks, credit cards, and PayPal. Checks must be in American or Canadian dollars and are mailed directly to SPI's mailing address. We can accept one-time or recurring donations.

Branding paypal new.png   PayPal

Branding spi new.png   SPI