Here be documented our own communication protocol. For the latest list of all messages and their contents, see defines.h.
Login sequence
1a. PAMSG_REGISTER { L version, "username", "password", "email" } APMSG_REGISTER_RESPONSE { 0 } 1b. PAMSG_LOGIN { L version, "username", "password" } APMSG_UNREGISTER_RESPONSE { 0 } 2a. PAMSG_UNREGISTER { } APMSG_UNREGISTER_RESPONSE { 0 } 2b. PAMSG_LOGOUT { } APMSG_LOGOUT_RESPONSE { 0 } 2c. PAMSG_CHAR_LIST { } APMSG_CHAR_LIST_RESPONSE B number, { B index, S name, B gender, B hair style, B hair color, B level, W money, W*6 stats, S mapname, W*2 position } ...
It has been decided that a separate request for the character list is not necessary. The list will be sent automatically after a succesful login.
We probably do not need the index byte for each character. The list can be assumed to be contiguous and characters can be referred to with the index they have in the list.
Movement and combat
Protocol in development, see article about the being movement system.
1a. PCMSG_CHAT { "message", channel } 1b. PCMSG_ANNOUNCE { "annoucement" } 1c. PCMSG_PRIVMSG { "username", "message" } 2a. CPMSG_ERROR { error } 2b. CPMSG_ANNOUNCEMENT { "annoucement" } 2c. CPMSG_PRIVMSG { "username", "message" } 2d. CPMSG_PUBMSG { channel, "username", "message" }
Maybe it would be nicer to have the annoucements and errors simply occur or special dedicated channels. This would make implementation easier. Also, I think it's fine to also send a username for these messages. --Bjørn 12:44, 26 July 2006 (CEST)