From The Mana World
Revision as of 22:18, 13 July 2005 by DeathJoker (talk | contribs)
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Full name: Sus'anoo Milachts

Age: 1500 years

Height: 7' 2"

Weight: 187 lbs

Birthdate: Unknown

Eye color: Red

Hair color: Bald

Blood type: A-

Favorite food: Chili Peppers

Hobbies: Pyrotecnics, Fireworks

Even when Sus'anoo was young, He had a love for Fire. when he was seven years old he accidentaly burnt his vilage to the ground. In a rage the townspeople Kicked him out of town. He wanderded for many years after that.

When he was the age of 32 he came across the Temple of Fire. He rushed inside to look for the keeper of the temple. so he could offer his services to them. Sus'anoo found the keeper in he quarters, dieing of an illness. Sus'anoo took care of the man untill his dieing day. And for this, he was bestowed the tital of keeper. But, this was not enough for the young man.

Sus'anoo studiede for humdreds of years in the temple, gradually becoming more knolageable of the forey arts.. With this knolage came power and strength. Sus'anoo knew that he had the skills nessicery to have the tital of Fire Sage.

But, Now His time is comming and he too is looking for someoneto take his place.