The Snake Pit is located in the Tulimshar desert, to the East. It is appropriately named. It is a pit with more snakes than a player can handle. It was designed to torture the really test their limits, so that when they finally succeeded, all they needed was minor brain surgery to remove the clots, and they had their reward of finding Pachua.
There are two entrances to the Snake Pit. Go south from Tulimshar, into the desert sandstorm. Then, travel to the map to the east, where the sandstorm gets stronger. Be aware: mobs on this map like Green Slimes and Mountain Snakes will be aggressive towards you, and they can do quite a number on most characters even in the level 40-50 range. Head southeast, and you'll find the first cave entrance, along with George and Kieron. Head northeast and go around the landmass that way, and you'll find the second entrance, along with William.