From The Mana World
Revision as of 08:27, 26 August 2017 by DeadManWalking (talk | contribs) (Deleted weapons subheading, and added an explanation of this page.)

Items List Layout

You will notice that the items have been separated into certain sections below. If you are having trouble finding your item, read carefully for what you are looking for, and if you can't find it still, consider using the search function. This is under MENU, and you can type in the item you are looking for.


These items provide varying levels of protection from enemy attacks, and sometimes lessen certain types of attacks. You are allowed to wear one of each type of armor at one time.

Legacy Items

Armor-head-Magicgmtophat.pngLegacy Recently added Use-food-snapple.pngLegacy Health Items Equipment-weapon-toysabre.pngLegacy 1-Handed Weapons Equipment-weapon-scythe.pngLegacy 2-Handed Weapons
Equipment-ammo-arrow.pngLegacy Ammo Use-potions-concentrationpotion.pngLegacy Status Items Equipment-head-blackwizardhat.pngLegacy Helmets Equipment-legs-redcottontrousers.pngLegacy Leg Armor
Equipment-chest-desertshirt.pngLegacy Armors Equipment-feet-blackboots.pngLegacy Boots Equipment-shield-woodenshield.pngLegacy Shields Equipment-hands-wintergloves.pngLegacy Gloves
Equipment-rings-sapphirering.pngLegacy Rings Equipment-charms-fourleafclover.pngLegacy Charms Use-potions-darkgreendye.pngLegacy Dyes Generic-bluerose.pngLegacy Flowers
Generic-darkeasteregg.pngLegacy Easter Items Equipment-charms-skeletoncharm.pngLegacy Halloween Items Generic-snowmansnowglobe.pngLegacy Christmas Items Generic-wolvernpelt.pngLegacy Miscellaneous Items