From The Mana World
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This page is about the in-game "Elanore" npc. For the IRC bot, see IRC/Elanore.

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.


Elanore is a proficient healer located in Tulimshar. At the beginning of the game, she will restore for free your healthpoints until you reach Level 11.

Elanore will do your teaching in Life Magic, whose she's a specialist. She will especially teach how to create Lifestones with #manpahil and how to use them with the #lum spell to heal yourself o other players.

Endly, once you reached Level 2 in Life Magic Skill, she will tell you the most powerful healing spell used in the game which is #inma.

Spells taught by Elanore:

For further details on these spells, you should visit the Magic Quests and the Spells pages.

You can find the script here.