From The Mana World
Revision as of 11:27, 26 September 2016 by WildX (talk | contribs) (→‎Developers)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.


The Mana World Team members
Username(s) Titles Roles Location
Reid Senior Developer Pixel Art, Scripting, Mapping, Concepts France
Wushin Senior Developer Server Administrator, Programming, Pixel Art, Mapping, Scripting USA (Midwest)
4144 Senior Developer Client Development, Server Administrator -
Alige Developer Pixel Art, Mapping, Scripting France
Chicka-Maria (Yubaba) Developer Music & SFX, Mapping Canada
Ledmitz Developer SFX Canada
Gumi (Mekolat, Meko) Developer Programming, Scripting, Mapping Canada
Omatt Developer Scripting France
WildX Game Master GM, Forum Admin, Community Manager, Lore Writing United Kingdom
MrGrey Game Master GM, Eye candy Canada
Prsm Game Master GM Canada
Veryape Game Master GM, Server Administrator Sweden
NitayandaGM Game Master GM Israel

See also:

Recent projects

Most of TMW's development is shown on the forum, subforum Development TMW.

In the past most development was done in Trello. There are still many cards there. Relevant links: TMW Organisation, Content Development Board, Art Development Board.

The development organization was switched back to the forums because players rather check the forums than Trello.