From The Mana World
Revision as of 18:54, 10 May 2015 by Norc (talk | contribs) (update)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

Quest Overview
Starting Location 009-2 Hurnscald
Level 40 recommended
Prerequisites None
Redoable Yes, forever


  • To get to Nicholas the blacksmith, head south of the tree in the center of Hurnscald, then head east. It is the third shop nearest the south-east corner.
  • Peter can make you the Steel Armors such as the Chainmail Shirt, Light Platemail and Warlord Plate. Ask him if he can do anything else than chest armors for him to speak about the steel (Warlord) boots.
  • Nicholas can make you helmets: Knight, Crusade and Warlord but he will not propose you anything unless you have the required material in your inventory. Also two quests start by speaking to Nicholas with at least basic requirements (coal, ingots and short sword for Setzer) in your inventory: Steel Shield (described here) and Setzer

Steel Shield quest

  • Come and speak to Nicholas with at least 6 Iron Ingots and 12 Coals in your inventory. He will propose a shield and asks some high quality steel to make a better alloy (Ingots are too brittle). When you come to him with Infantry Helmets (2), he will ask for a Leather Patch to craft the handle. But when you ask where to get it, the only thing he can say is:"Rumor has it that there is someone in the eastern desert who can."
  • Go to Pachua the Hermit Indian through the Old Wizard's House to get the Leather Patch without forgetting to bring some snake skins and money with you (one skin and 300 GP are enough).
  • Come back to Nicholas with all the stuff and 20,000 GP to get your shield and 20,000 EXP the first time you craft one.


  • Yellow Slimes are found north of Hurnscald. Head north from the town, all the way, directly into the mine. Beware of Skulls which are aggressive and have a fairly high attack compared to other things in the area you may have encountered so far.
  • Spiders can be found in the same mine. You need to turn right when in the mine, and head along the path. You will see a way to walk into the next section, so you can head south. Spiders are down there on the western side. Be careful of all the Red Slimes on the way.
  • Mogguns can be found in a cave near Hurnscald. Head west on the stone path from town. At the first fork (at a farm with many trees), go north. Continue north until the path forks again. Take the west fork and follow the path to a set of caves, one higher and one lower. Enter the lower cave and walk through until you see white sheep-like Mogguns. Be careful; all the Mogguns will attack as soon as you hit one.
  • Get Iron Ingots from Jhedia in a house northeast of the Tulimshar town center. Ingots cost 10 Coals, 5 Iron Ores, and 1,000 GP each.

Infantry Helmets are dropped by:

  • Spiders (0.2%)

Coal are dropped by:

  • Mogguns (10%)
  • Terranites (6%)

Iron Ingots are crafted by:

  • Jhedia (1 Ingot for 5 iron ores, 10 Coal, 1000 gp)

Leather Patch are crafted by:


  • 20,000 EXP the first time you create a Steel Shield.

Helmets Ressources Cost
Knight's Helmet
+15 Defense, -30 Magic Attack, 600 g
3 Iron Ingot
6 Coal
10,000 GP
Crusade Helmet
+18 Defense, -36 Magic Attack, 1.3 kg
6 Iron Ingot
12 Coal
10,000 GP
Warlord Helmet
+18 Defense, -36 Magic Attack, 900 g
9 Iron Ingot
18 Coal
10,000 GP
Shield Ressources Cost
Steel Shield
+20 Defense, -200 Magic Attack, 2.5 kg
2 Infantry Helmets
6 Iron Ingot
1 Leather Patch
12 Coal
20,000 GP
Weapon Ressources Cost
+110 Damage, 1 Range, 900 g
1 Monster Oil
3 Iron Ingot
6 Coal
1 Short Sword
50,000 GP
Chest Armor Ressources Cost
Chain Mail
+20 Defense, -120 Magic Attack, 800 g
5 Iron Ingot
10 Coal
20,000 GP
Light Plate
+25 Defense, -150 Magic Attack, 1.2 kg
10 Iron Ingot
20 Coal
50,000 GP
Warlord Plate
+27 Defense, -170 Magic Attack, 2.6 kg
15 Iron Ingot
30 Coal
100,000 GP
Foot Armor Ressources Cost
Warlord Boots
+5 Defense, -22 Magic Attack, 550 g
8 Iron Ingot
16 Coal
35,000 GP