From The Mana World

How to get Tiled

The Map Editor we are using is called Tiled. You can download it at

Tiled is a java application. That means it runs on every system that got a Java Runtime Enviroment. That means you need the latest Java Runtime Enviroment installed on your system. You can get it at

Setting up Tiled for making TMW Maps

Tiled is a map editor that isn't made especially for TMW. That means it got a lot of options and settings we don't need.

To create a new map, press File->New. Use the following settings:

  • Map Type: Orthogonal
  • Tile Size: 32x32
  • Map Size: Between 60 and 200 (needn't be exactly square)

Now add 3 new layers using Layer->Add Layer from the menu bar or the Add Layer Button (the leftmost button in the button row in the lower right corner). You should have 4 layers called Layer 3, Layer 2, Layer 1 and Layer 0. You should now rename them as following. You don't have to, but it will help you to understand the rest of the tutorial.

  • Layer 3 -> Collision Layer
  • Layer 2 -> Over Layer
  • Layer 1 -> Object Layer
  • Layer 0 -> Ground Layer

The Map is now ready to be created. But to create it we need some tilesets. To import a tileset select Tilesets->New Tileset und set the following options:

  • Name: (doesn't matter)
  • Tile width: 32
  • Tile height: 32
  • Reference tileset image: checked
  • Automatically create tiles from images: checked
  • Tile Spacing: 0
  • Use transparent color: unchecked

Now push the browse button and browse to your TMW folder and then the subfolder /data/graphics/tiles/. Here you will find all tilesets that are used by TMW saved as PNG graphics. Select the one you want.

Please only import the tilesets you want to use. Don't forget to import the Tileset "Collision.png", too. It has a very important purpose that will be explained later.

Starting to map

Now you can finally start to map. To place tiles on the map select the pen tool from the toolbox to the left. Then select a tile from the tile palette. You can open the tile palette by klicking the rectangle in the lower left corner. Now you can place the tiles on the map. Please watch out what layer you are drawing on because the layer play different roles:

  • The Ground Layer is for tiles without transparency. In the game it will always be below the sprites. This layer has to be filled completely before you can call the map finished.
  • The Object Layer is for tiles that have some transparent pixels. It is usually used for stuff that stands around on the map like trees or stones.
  • Tiles on the Over Layer are always drawn over the map sprites.
  • The Collision Layer isn't rendered ingame. It contains the information which parts of the map are walkable and which aren't. Don't put any tiles on it but the red cross from the collision tileset.

When you are finished with your map you have to determine which tiles are walkable and which aren't. To do so mark all tiles you want to be blocked with the red cross from the collision tileset on the collision layer. Be careful that even if a tile is not reachable, but it's walkable, the server can spawn monsters there. That means Players won't be able to reach them or you can cause other weird situations. For example fill a lake completely with the red cross tile, not only the shoreline.

Testing your map

Hints for good mapping