From The Mana World
Revision as of 09:22, 16 March 2015 by Cassy (talk | contribs) (template updated, formatting, additional information)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

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Monster Skull Helmet

Item ID: 722

The conserved skull of a mysterious ancient monster.
CategoryHead Armor
Equip Level-
Stats increaseDefense +7
M.Attack +10
M.Defense +20
Stats decrease-
Buy Price60,000,000 GP
Sell Price3,000 GP
Weight250 g


The Monster Skull Helmet belongs to the most rare items in game even though it is buyable. Its huge buy price 30,000,000 GP (note that the 60,000,000 GP in the table on the ride side are only official server information) makes it so rare.


Even though the [Monster Skull Helmet]] is super expensive it is not very useful. Defense +7, Magic Attack +10 and Magic Defense +20 are good stats for sure but there are better Head Armor for far less costs. This makes the Monster Skull Helmet more a fashion item.


See Also