From The Mana World
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Este artigo contém informações para jogadores ou pessoas interessadas em jogar The Mana World rEvolt. Se você estiver interessado no jogo Legado, por favor vá até o Portal legado.

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Template:.Pt:Magic shortcuts

Note que: Se você é novo em magia, leia esta página antes de situar-se nos conhecimentos básicos, ou seja, as outras páginas relacionadas a magia.


Tmw logo.png

Em The Mana World você pode aprender várias mágicas e habilidades. Enquanto mágicas te permitem, por exemplo, atacar monstros ou curar você mesmo e seus amigos, as habilidades mágicas são necessárias para aprender mágicas ou torná-las mais poderosas. Você não precisar se um completo mago para conjurar magias, você também pode fazê-lo sendo um guerreiro ou arqueiro em certas circunstâncias, mas é óbvio que mágicas de bruxos são muito mais eficazes (e até mais do que eficientes).

Magia está dividida em várias escolas, como Magia Geral, Natureza, Vida e outras. Isto também quer dizer que mágicas e habilidades mágicas sempre pertencem a uma determinada escola mágica. NPCs ensinar-te-ão mágicas e habilidades durante sua jornada para tornar-se um mago.

Como Começar

Para que você possa usar mágicas, estes pontos são necessários:

  • Você precisa ter tocado na Mana Seed pela segunda vez, já que isso te dá a habilidade de aprender magia, dando-te nível 1 na Habilidade de Magia Geral
  • Então, sua barra de magia precisa estar numa coloração azul claro. Se não estiver, tenha certeza de que seu Ataque Mágico (M. Attack) seja maior do que 0. Muitos equipamentos, como escudos, dão uma penalidade ao ataque mágico, de modo que você precise desequipá-los.

É claro que você não pode ainda aprender e usar todas as habilidades mágicas ainda, mas já pode algumas. Se o seu nível de Magia Geral agora já seja 1, você está habilitado a aprender todas as mágicas que requerem este nível. A coluna "Level" da visão geral da página Mágicas mostra quais são elas.

Conjurando mágicas

Um usuário conjurando a mágica #abizit.

Há duas possiblidades de usar mágicas:

  • Digitando a invocação da mágica na janela de chat (ex.: #abizit).
  • Por meio de atalhos, ou seja, você só precisará apertar uma tecla do seu teclado.

Quando você digita mágicas no chat eles sempre começam com o sinal de hash (#) e eventualmente, parâmetros após o espaço (ex.: #parum boo, #inma Username).

Certas mágicas requerem itens que são consumidos no processo. Acresce que, diferentes mágicas, são de diferentes níveis. Para seja lá qual o nível da mágica, seu nível em magia deve ser igual ou maior que ele, tanto na escola mágica quanto na magia geral, se você pretende conjurá-la. Por exemplo, se você quer conjurar uma mágica de nível 2 do estilo natureza, você precisar ser nível 2 tanto em Escola Natural quanto Magia Geral. Note que mágicas não indicam seu percentual de falha. Se você não tiver os itens necessários para usá-las, a mágica irá silenciosamente falhar. Similarmente, se por exemplo você estiver conjurando uma mágica de cura e você estiver muito longe do jogador para que possa curá-lo, você não verá nenhum efeito, tampouco mensagem de erro.

Note que: Clicar em "Expand" mostrará instruções sobre como usar e criar atalhos com o Manaplus. Já que isso não é necessário para a conjuração de mágicas, está escondido para evitar confusões. De qualquer modo, você pode querer ver isto depois quando você tiver mais experiência porque isso por tornar o uso de mágicas mais fácil para você.

Para usuários do Manaplus existem atualmente atalhos para iniciantes, como a tecla M para #itenplz ou C para #lum e #inma. Veja estes comandos na janela de ajuda (F1) do Manaplus. Como muitos atalhos podem ser difíceis de manejar, é comum ver jogadores criar atalhos apenas para mágicas muito utilizadas ou aquelas mágicas que demoram muito tempo para serem digitas no chat porque elas necessitam ser utilizadas rapidamente durante uma batalha (ex.: #ingrav).

How to create shortcuts in Manaplus:

  • First open your spells window (key J on your keyboard) and shortcuts window (F8).
  • Then simply drag and drop the spell you wish to the shortcuts window.*

Example: Picking "ing" (you will see it's #ingrav when you move your mouse there) and dropping it to "2" in the shortcuts window will allow you to cast #ingrav by pressing the key 2 on your keyboard instead of always typing #ingrav in the chat.

*If the spell you are searching for isn't listed you can add it by right clicking at an empty slot, clicking "Edit spell", entering the invocation name in "Command" and if you want initials in "Symbol" (like "ing" vor #ingrav). Of course you need to press "Save" then. Example: Symbol chip and command #chipchip.

Training and leveling up magic skills

Note: By going through the Magic Quests you'll get all skills and spells. For overviews please see Spells and Magic Skills. However, to understand how training and leveling up magic skills works you should read this description first.

As there is a difference between learning magic spells (or magic in general) and being able to control them your characters must learn magic from NPCs and train. Magic trainers can both give you spells and level you up in whatever schools of magic they can teach. When you visit a magical NPC you can ask about other magical NPCs via the "What do you know about..." inquiry. Some magic trainers are easy to find while others require searching through more obscure parts of The Mana World.

Training and leveling up the General Magic Skill requires that you gain experience in magic by practicing spells. Casting the same spell consecutively will result in no additional magic experience right after the first cast. Also spells that consume items give more magic experience. A good example for beginners is casting #kalmurk and #parum boo alternately.

Magic experience isn't shown anywhere in your status window, but there is a way to check it by using the #abizit spell. Depending on the client you're playing with and its settings you will see a message (most likely in the Debug chat tab) after using #abizit that tells you how well you can handle magic. To reach General Magic level 2 you first need 100% magic experience and then visit the Mana Seed again.

Below you can find out what level progress the #abizit message refers to:

#abizit message Progress
"You feel completely overwhelmed by your magic." less than 10%
"You feel quite overwhelmed by your magic, but are beginning to see patterns." 10%-20%
"You feel that you have only the bare minimum of control over your magic." 20%-30%
"Trying to control your magic is still rather troublesome." 30%-40%
"You feel you still have a few difficulties in controlling your magic." 40%-50%
"You feel somewhat in control of your magic." 50%-60%
"You feel mostly in control of your magic." 60%-70%
"You feel quite in control of your magic." 70%-80%
"You feel that you have very good control of your magic." 80%-90%
"You feel in almost perfect control of your magic." 90%-100%
"You feel in perfect control of your magic, [and seem on the verge of something more... perhaps you should see the Mana Seed to ask for more magic?]" 100%-200%
"You have perfect control of what you understand now, but there is now a distinct sensation of something more, something indescribable. If only the Mana Seed would give more magic to you..." 200%-450%
"Magic flows naturally from you, readily and with ease. Your understanding of what you can currently control at present is flawless, far beyond your requirements to cast magic at this level. [Surely the Mana Seed will more than readily offer more magic for such a proficient user.]" 450% and over

Note: The General Magic Skill level is currently capped at 2. This is also why the progress can be higher than 100%.

While leveling up means being able to learn more spells and skills, progressing (%) causes certain spells like #parum (boo) and #zukminbirf to become more effective.

Minimum magic experience for each General Magic Skill level*:

  • Level 1: you start with this level
  • Level 2: 100
  • Level 3: 1,200 - as the level is capped at 2 you can't reached level 3 but progress to 100% and more.
  • Level 4 will most likely be 8,000
  • Level 5 will most likely be 40,000

*Add up to 1/3% due to built-in inaccuracy of #abizit

Magical Status

The main status parameter that increases your magical abilities is Intelligence. Although intelligence is not absolutely necessary to advance in magic, it determines the effectiveness and strength of your spells by automatically increasing Magic Attack (M.Attack).


  • Intelligence:
    • Magic Attack: Each intelligence point adds +1 or even +2*(int/5) if INT is a multiple of 5
    • Magic Defense: Each intelligence point adds +1
    • Mana (MP, SP): Increases Mana and Mana recovering rate
    • Has influence on your abilities in potion making.
  • Level: Level adds +1 to your magic attack, starting at level 14
  • Magic Attack: Governs the power of the spells. This means it influences
    • the amount of damage or heal,
    • the range of the spell,
    • the number of shots when applicable (war magic),
    • the number of creatures summoned (Astral Magic),
    • and the number of items you get with transmutation.
  • Magic Defense: Determines how well you will be able to withstand magical attacks on you (only in PvP at the moment as monsters have no magic attack).
  • Mana (MP, SP): Mana is the amount of magical energy available to devote to casting spells. It recharges over time just like HP does.
  • Magic Experience (of the General Magic Skill): Improves spells efficiency in some way. Low experience can make some spells fail, especially Transmutation spells.
  • Astral Soul Skill: Boosts all your magical abilities. It is a must to be a full mage.
  • Equipment: Can penalize or improve your magical abilities; see below.

Note: Married players have an increased spell power when casting Life or Nature spells on their partner. The power bonus is a bit more important if both wear their wedding rings.

See also:


As a mage you need to choose your equipment carefully because in TMW almost all things worn will penalize your M.Attack value, causing less effective spells or even disabling magic completely.

Penalizing Items

Magic penalties are especially big from metal armor. The following list includes things that penalize your M.Attack value:

  • All gloves, except Silk Gloves
  • All boots, except Cotton Boots
  • All chest armor, except the Silk Robe, Fine Dress, Sorcerer Robe and Lazurite Robe
  • All shields, except the Scarab Armlet
  • All helmets and many hats
  • All pants and skirts

Only referring to released items. The worst penalties come with gloves, shields and chest armors such as Warlord Plate.

Helpful Items

Some equipment will not penalize your M.Attack and some will even give a bonus to it. These equipment and other useful ones are listed below.

1-Handed and 2-Handed Weapons

Head Armor

Regular Head Armor

Rare Head Armor

There is a lot of rare head armor which can be useful for mages, so to avoid confusion and because they aren't regular equipment those are hidden below.

Please click "Expand" to make the gallery appear and "Collapse" to hide it again.

Chest Armor


  • The Lazurite Robe is currently the best equipment for mages, but it requires Level ≥90 to be able to equip it and Intelligence ≥70 and Vitality ≥40 to activate the bonuses.
    It increases Intelligence by +7, M.Attack by +60, M.Defense by +60, Defense by +7 and reduces Strength by -1, Vitality by -1, Dexterity by -1, Luck by -1 and Move Speed by -15%.



  • The Heart of Isis doesn't give any bonus to magic but is the most effective charm which increases Maximum HP by +15% and HP recovery rate by +65% causing healing items or spells like #lum to heal you faster. Requires Level ≥85.

Leg Armor, Foot Armor, Gloves, Shields and Rings


  • Mages usually don't wear trousers or skirts as they all penalize M.Attack.
  • The Scarab Armlet is the only shield that doesn't penalize M.Attack but it's unobtainable and very rare.
  • Silk Gloves are the only gloves that won't penalize M.Attack.

Roles of mages

Of course there are differences between mages. It's not just the equipment and stats, it's more the sort of mage they prefer to play as which leads to these different equipments and stats. The most common roles are listed below, including descriptions and pros and cons.

Warriors and archers

Warriors usually don't use magic since their armor and other equipment bring huge penalties to magic attack, but there are indeed builds that mix warrior stats with mage stats. They aren't as strong as other warriors or mages, but prefer having fun casting magic than being effective. However, it's more common that warriors only use magic when they change equipment.

Archers very often use magic to heal. Their equipment doesn't give that much penalty on magic attack so they can easier find a way to be both archer and healer even without raising Intelligence at all. They also don't have to replace their Forest Armor and Cat Ears, the most important equipment for archers (when you don't count Bows and Arrows) and only need to take care of their gloves, boots and maybe leg armor to be able to shoot well and cast magic.

Full mages: Speed mages and tank mages

Full mages completely focus on magic. Intelligence is at maximum (99) and the other stats depend on if you want to be more defensive or offensive. Tank mages then prefer high Vitality to better resist attacks and high Luck to avoid critical hits. Speed mages use high Agility to hurt their enemies not only hard, but also fast again and again which also makes them level up faster.

Both mages roles are focussed on the Astral Soul Skill and use typical mage equipment like Lazurite Robe, Sorcerer Robe, Wizard Hat, Grimoire, Wooden Staff or Rock Knife and so on.


Runners are tank mages that hardly fight, but support other fighters by luring away mobs and healing hurt players. After casting #betsanc, which gives them the ability to evade far more hits, Runners aggravate mobs by using the #itenplz spell repeatedly to protect other players from being attacked by a herd of monsters.

They are called Runners because there is hardly any time for them to stand at place - the herd of monsters would kill them else. So they keep on running, mostly in a circle. This also means that they usually don't fight and therefore don't really get EXP or drops. This might sound bad now, but at Candor or the The Illia Sisters quest Runners are the best support players can have thanks to this tactic. This also means Runners have a really good chance to survive these.

Runners aren't easily built. You need a high level at about 85-90 minimum to have enough status points to distribute. At Candor Luck must be 66, at Illia even 70 to be sure that no critical hit can get you (except for Luvia Illia herself who has 255 in Luck). You will also need a high Vitality to increase your defense.

As the Rock Knife increases Vitality by +3 Runners wear it instead of the WoodenStaff. Furthermore the Terranite Armor (Terranite Helmet, Chest Armor and Legs) are very helpful as they increase the defense well, but with a less penalty to M.Attack than other equipment with a similar bonus on defense. A shield and gloves are recommended too, depending on the defense bonus and the penalty on M.Attack. You should end up somewhere about 400 in M.Attack, but feel free to try out less or more as Runners have different preferences. Note that the less M.Attack you have, the less will be the range of #itenplz and #inma.