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< User:Cassy
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Low Level Quests (1-20)

Quest Area Level Redoable Prerequisites Reward Costs
Tutorial Tulimshar 1 No None Basic equipment,
30 EXP, 50 GP
Tulimshar Quests Tulimshar 1 No None Various items, 10 Boss Points,
1,100 EXP, 2,000 GP,
Various items
Ayasha's Hide and Seek Tulimshar 1 No None 1 Cactus Drink, 1 Chocolate Bar,
1 Candy, 150 EXP
Kylian the Businessman Tulimshar 1 No None 12 Acorns, 1 Desert Hat
350 GP, 150 EXP
Anwar's field Tulimshar 1 No None 1 Dark Green Cotton Trousers,
2,000 EXP
Various items

Old quest overview

Useful Low Level (1-20) Medium Level (21-50) High Level (50-99) Daily Quests Other
Tutorial Tulimshar Quests Fertile Soil Pachua the Hermit Indian Riskim's Acorns Magic Quests
Aidan And Ishi's Monster Points Ayasha's Hide and Seek Bandit Quest Diseased Heart Quest Imec's Stingers Wedding Woodland
Caul The Alchemist Kylian the Businessman Cat Ears Quest Demon Mask Arkim's Bat Wings Wedding Tulimshar
Rauk The Alchemist Anwar's Field Letter Quest Rossy Quest Arkim's Brother Candor
Selim The Dyer Imec's Petition Robberies In Hurnscald Blue Sage Quest Doug's Cave Snake Lamps Brodomir's PvP Cave
Candide The Bleacher Newbie Graduation Short Sword Quest Setzer Quest Mike's Stingers Game Master Events
Iron Ingots Banu Helping With Experiments Heathin's Simple Rings Angela's Yellow Present Boxes
Nicholas the Blacksmith Forest Bow Quest Bone Knife Quest Angela's Daughter Angela's White Present Boxes
Agostine The Tailor Wooden Shield Quest Bone Quest The Terranite Armor Miner's Treasure Keys Annual
Lora Tay The Legendary Seamstress Farmer's Scythe Orum and Waric follow-up quest Heathin's Terranite Arrows Jack's Raw Logs Shannon's Bowler Hat
Orum Quest Feeding The Wolf The Lost Hitchhiker
Voltain's Dark Minds Headless Man's Helmet Easter Eggs Hunt
Baktar's Tulimshar Items Love Triangle Quest Oscar's Pumpkins
Well Quest Agostine's Dream Dress Snowman's sweets
The Illia Sisters Santa's Stolen Presents
Milly's Hero Parua's Brother