From The Mana World
Revision as of 15:51, 4 December 2013 by Oddshocks (talk | contribs) (Add contributions and tasks lists.)

I'm a free software hacker and enthusiast. I'm finishing my degree at RIT this year (May 2014 graduation). As far as I can tell, TMW is the greatest playable MMORPG with a free software license, and I want to help out.

Current tasks

  • Level a character to the endgame so I know how it is.
  • Clean up, improve, and write pages on this wiki.
  • Add some sort of content somewhere -- baby's first content!


These are things I have contributed to TMW heretofar.

  • Wiki cleaning and improvement.
  • Spelling, grammar, and syntax fixes in some NPC scripts.

Fix list

This is a list of things I think ought to be "fixed" in TMW. It is by no means an official list, just some of my own ideas and notes.

High priority

  • Fix the targeting bug! Sometimes, you will miss a mob indefinitely until you re-target the mob. Occurs a couple times during a 1-2 hour play session.

Medium priority

  • Close button should be available more often during NPC dialogues.

Low priority

  • Don't make me repeat all of the dialogue for a daily quest. For instance, with the bat wing daily quest, I need to go through my entire intro to the guy again and talk about his insanity or whatnot. I should just be able to go back to him and do the same deal the next day.
  • Make the arrow-firing animations better. Right now, sometimes it looks like your character just sort of twitches and an arrow comes out of their body a moment after.

New feature list

This will be a list of features I think TMW would benefit from, and how urgent I think they are. This is by no means an official list, merely my own thoughts and opinions. These features avoid making large assumptions about the direction developers want TMW to go in -- they are features which would improve on things that are already around. So, I will not be proposing teleport spells for instance, because perhaps TMW doesn't want teleport magic.

High priority

  • Long-term groups (i.e. guilds).
  • Chat channels. Region and guild would go nicely with trade chat. I am opposed to a world chat. Chat channels are crucial for creating in-game community interaction.
  • Death penalty. We need a death penalty. Even just exp loss.

Medium priority

  • Buyback pane at NPC shops. I am more uncertain about player shops -- buyback could be trickier to implement here.

Low priority

  • Item stack management. Let me split a stack of items into two stacks.
  • Spell icons. Unless I'm missing something, those don't exist.