From The Mana World

This article collects information regarding the conceptualisation of the game world of The Mana World.

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Major Cities

Capital city Keshlam is run by it's king and queen and their successors since as far back as the beginning of time. They are your typical monarchy hungry for land and power. The Garason are the plains nomads and tree dwellers that live away from the city. If they are caught to close to the city they are enslaved and the monarchy has been known to send out hunting parties for more slaves. It is because of this that the Garason have become experts at hiding and moving about silently. Some Garason have defied the monarchy building strong forts to defend themselves along the beaches on the west side of the mountains. These Garason fish for their food and salt the fish from the mountains many salt mines.


Keshlam is a walled city built of stone at the edge of the ocean. They mainly trade with Tulimshar since the Ancean navy moved in to protect trade routes and their ships have been known to pillage and plunder those peaceful trade ships taking both cargo and people to be used as slaves in the salt mines. Keshlams navy only consists of 8 large ships and for now they are docked at the cities docks on the ocean side. The second wall within the city is 15 ft tall and barbed at the top to protect the castle. There is a plaza out front the slaves call ending because the large number of torture devices that sit there to be used at the king and queens behest. Slaves that cannot do their work or citizens that become unruly are often disembowled for entertainment or racked depending on how the king and queen feel that day.

Recent history

Before the Quake, the Tempurians were normal people neither good nor bad, they were just traders and mined salt in small amount from their montains. The East Tempurian Company was created during this period. But after the catastrophe, nothing remained of the mines they dug into the mountain, and a very few miners survived. In the other hand, it destroyed their food reserves and as the price of the food normally increased, they didn't have enough money to buy enough from to Hurnscald or Nivalis. The king then had no choice but force some of their poorest citizens to work in the mine. As it wasn't enough they also captured some people from the tribes living around Keshlam to work with them, only the Garason tribe managed to avoid being caught. They also started to pillage some cargos from other lands to get what they needed. Normally, the forced miners had to work until the crisis was over. At the beginning, they even got more food than those who were not working in the mines as for example guards, traders, sailors, etc. But as the second king of this age had started to think of this situation as normal, he took some measures to make sure the forced workers, which began to be called slaves, could never escape, as the creation of an army, and to make them reproduce more to be sure that there would be enough of them in the future. His son, the current king of this land, managed to be even worst, trying by all means to be more powerful and to increase his territory.

The Army

Keshlams army is 2000 men strong because every male the age of 16 and up is pressed into service first as a soldier then as a mine keeper as the slaves call them. If they do some extraordinary deeds toward the end of their life they get to be an executioner. The army has yet to break the defenses the nomads have put up on the other side of the mountains and each press into that side depletes the armies numbers more. Much to the king and queens dislike. The female slaves that they have found go to the dukes and lords to make the armies larger and steadily they keep it at 2000 strong sometimes a bit more. Any females that these female slaves have are kept for future breeding purposes.

Chief Export

The chief export from Keshlam is salt mined from the mountains on the western part of the land they claim. Their other chief export is sugar from the sugar cane fields that the slaves have made.

The Garason

These people are hardy and strong they have made their own mines and fishing villages between their walled outpost and send trade supplies at night secretly to trade with Tulimshar.