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Light Elemental: Lumine

Area: The light palace is a fabulous Tower, made of Ivory engraveved with nature motifs like branches, leaves, and flowers with golden details and runes (the style ressembles the palace of galadriel from Lord of the Ring). Its a very high tower, and on top have a great crystal that redirect a pure bean of light in the Chamber of Enlightement. The golden light creates a feel of peace and tranquility in all tower.

Lumine: Is a White Flame, with some blinking whisps arround, and a Halo(aureola, that thing on angels heads) above it. His voice is soft and smooth, and when it Talk, is like a warm wisper to ones heart, giving a very profound feeling of peace and confort.

As Element: The Light element of purity and clearness, all life is feeded by Light, but without its oppoesed, the Darkness, this blessed force can dry out and devastate many things. So even if its a element of purifing, when exceded, it can harness the beloved life forms. Mages of light are concerned in healing and purifying, but some Spells are extremely potents, but as a mage of true Light must be prepared to open hand of the power to destroy, to a power to create.

Lumine´s Spells: (S - Support, B - Battle, H - Healing)

  • B - Aura Bean - A ray of Light comes from Sky, start to focusing, becoming a laser.
  • H - Soft Healing - A soft flash of Light, in a disk shape expand from caster, to a area porportional to spell level
  • S - Bestow Light - Changes target to light based element
  • S - Crystal Barrier - Creates a Sphere like Shield on Target, absosbs damage porportional to caster magic level
  • B - Aural Flash - A Flash of light that blinds target monsters/players on screen- chance to blind is proportional to weakness and level of spell.
  • S - Light Sphere - Creates a Sphere of light above the caster to lighten dark areas.
  • S - Bless Area - A circle area is created and protecte from mosnter/players
  • B - Hyper Nova - A huge Explosion damages Strongly All monsters/players on screen. Fx like a slow motion of a flash from a camera.

Other options:

  • S - Enhance View - Cures blindness/ turn invisible targets visible again
  • S - Change Color - Change a color of a target until is healed - nice to play that on others players,imagine if someone turns you to pink? just funny spell.
  • B - Photonic Laser - I know that is redundant - A laser comes from caster to mouse pointer, damages enimy in the line(caster-cursor). Its duration is fast, since damage is continuos.
  • S - Midas Touch - Turn Mosnter into gold, no exp is earned, but gains gold porportional to monster exp.(monster only, dont affect bosses/MVP)
