From The Mana World
Revision as of 12:43, 5 February 2013 by Nard (talk | contribs)

guild is a friendly bot that sits in the theatre. It is used as a substitute for the missing guild support. In order to use it you have to be invited to an existing player group or guild who has it's own channel.When you want to create your own group, ask Frost for more information, in game, on Forum, or on IRC. This bot was brought to TMW courtesy of The Phoenix Council and written by Jero.

Mana users

To be able to use guild, Mana users must either:

  • Issue commands in "public" chat tab in the following format:
 /w guild !command <parameter>
  • open a chat tab(" /q guild "), then type the command:
!command <parameter>

Manaplus users

Manaplus users can use mana users commands too. Manaplus also emulates the original guild behaviour in TMW Athena (Actually removed by the TMWa developer). To enable this feature they have to check the options "activate guid bot support" in Setup window, MISC tab under bot support section. When belonging to guild, this will allow a guild chat tab (in chat window) and a guild tab ( In SOCial window) to open on character login. The first will display guild chats, the second displays the members list and the online members;


The guild bot has following commands
command Description Min. level
!help Displays command help 0
!invite <Name> Invite the char named <Name> in your guild 5
!leave Makes you quit the guild chat 0
!info Displays guild information 0
!showinfo guild will display connection
messages and other information
!hideinfo hide guild information messages 0
!setmotd <message> Set message of the day 5
!removemotd Remove message of the day 5
!disband Disbands your guild 10
!setaccess <access level> <Name> gives <access level> to <Name>,
<access level> must be lower than yours.

access level:

  • >= 1 - member can use chat.
  • >= 5 - member can invite and change guild login message (!setmodt).
  • >= 10 - Leader can kick a member from the guild chat, promote another guild member(up to your level), and disband the guild.
  • = 20 - Admin can create a new guild, remove any guild, or change guilds and make a global announcement to all guild chats.

(thx to Frost, who looked in the Code for the Access Infos)