From The Mana World
Revision as of 05:12, 2 February 2013 by LunaticEdit (talk | contribs)

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Login Data

Packet ID:0x0069
Packet Length:-1
Client Defined:SMSG_LOGIN_DATA
Sent Location(s):
Parsed Location(s):


Offset Length Contents
0 2 Packet ID
2 2 Packet Length (47 + (32 * ServerCount) + 0)
4 4 Session ID (Part 1)
8 4 Account ID
12 4 Session ID (Part 2)
16 4 Unused - Always set to 0x00000000
20 26 Unused - Currently set to account.lastlogin for some reason.
46 1 Character Sex

WorldInfo Packet (Repeated for each world)
X+0 4 Address
X+4 2 Port
X+6 20 Server Name
X+26 4 Online Users (Count)
X+30 2 Unused


Login Process Flow

Sent in response to Login Request. This packet is sent to the client by the server to define the character sex, the account and session IDs, as well as provide a list of worlds the player can connect to.