From The Mana World
Revision as of 08:47, 4 November 2012 by Nard (talk | contribs) (updated image link)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

Quest Overview
Starting Location 021-1 Central Tulimshar, North Bazaar
Level 1
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once
Quest Developers
Scenario Jenalya
Programming Jenalya
Contributor(s) -
Graphic Artists
Maps -
Tile graphics -
NPCs -
Items -
Sound fx -
Music -
Quality Assurance
Testers Johannelaliberte

Background Story

The Wizard's Council shut down Imec's shop for selling poison. He wants a new license and needs your help to do it: He wrote a petition to get a merchant's permit again and asks you to take it to the Council.


What To Do

  • Speak to Imec (128, 36) [directly behind well]
  • when hee asks you to take a petition to the Government building.
  • Reply: "Ok, sounds good."

Go southwest to [3 doors] Government building (55, 135). Speak to Yanis.

  • Tell him: "Imec asked me to bring this petition."
  • Receive letter of Acknowlegement.

Return to Imec to give acknowledgement.

  • Reply: "You mentioned a reward."

Imec gives you 500 GP.

Quest complete.



  • 500 GP

Total Cost:

  • No cost.

He also says that he may have additional jobs for you, once you get a little bigger: